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Somali News Update -Thursday - November 18, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Three donor countries have demanded that Somalia meets two conditions before it releases additional funding for the upcoming Lower House elections.

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Wararka Maanta-Arbaco, November 17, 2021

Arbaco, November, 17, 2021 (HOL) - Wasiirka dowlada Ingiriiska uqaabilsan arrimaha Afrika xildhibaan Vicky Ford, ayaa sheegtay in dowladeeda anay u qorshaysnayn in ay Somaliland aqoonsi siiso, isla markaana arrinta aqoonsiga Somaliland ay u taalo Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya iyo waddamada jaarka la ah.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Wednesday - November 17, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The UK will not recognize Somaliland as an independent state unless Somalia, Somaliland and African countries initiate the process, a British minister has said.

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Somali News Update -Tuesday - November 16, 2021

Two explosions in the heart of Uganda’s capital killed at least two people and sent parliamentarians rushing for cover as nearby cars burst into flames, witnesses and media reported, the latest in a string of bombings over the past month.

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Wararka Maanta-Talaado, November 16, 2021

Talaado, November 16, 2021 (HOL) - Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa cambaareeyay hubka qarsoodiga ah ee ay hesho kooxda Alshabaab, taasoo ay sheegeen in ay xadgudub ku tahay cunno-qabteynta hubka ee Qaramada Midoobay kusoo rogtay Soomaaliya.

Warkii oo dhan

Wararka Maanta-Isniin, November 15, 2021

Isniin, November 15, 2021 (HOL) - Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa ugu baaqday madaxweynayaasha dowlad goboleedyada Soomaaliya in ay qabtaan doorasho hufan oo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo loo dhan yahay.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Monday - November 15, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The Somali Stem Society which promotes science, technology and mathematics studies has announced a new scholarship programme named after the deceased Somali-Canadian journalist Hodan Naleyo.

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Somali News Update -Sunday - November 14, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Somaliland elections team has released the list of seats to be contested this week.

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Wararka Maanta-Axad, November 14, 2021

Axad, November 14, 2021 (HOL) - Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa sheegtay in khidmadaha diiwaangelinta musharraxiinta iyo qaaraanka beesha caalamka ay ku filan yihiin in lagu maalgeliyo doorashooyinka Golaha Shacabka ee Soomaaliya.

Warkii oo dhan

Wararka Maanta-Sabti, November 13, 2021

Sabti, November 13, 2021 (HOL) - Wasiirka caddaalada Soomaaliya, Cabdiqaadir Maxamed Nuur, ayaa sheegay in markii ugu horraysay dowladda Soomaaliya ay ku guulaystay in askar katirsan howlgalka AMISOM oo dad shacab ah gudaha dalka lagu xukumo dil toogasho.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Saturday - November 13, 2021

DHUAMAREEB (HOL) - Galmudug State has today concluded the election of senators marking the end of Senate elections which started in late July.

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Somali News Update -Friday - November 12, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - A military tribunal sitting in Mogadishu has sentenced a Ugandan soldier to death and another one to 39 years in jail for the murder of civilians in Lower Shabelle region.

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2:28:25 PM
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