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Somali News Update -Thursday - August 31, 2023

Gabon’s deposed President Ali Bongo Ondimba on Wednesday appealed to the world to raise a voice for his release after the military put him "under house arrest” after a coup, according to a video of the president circulating online.

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Somali News Update -Wednesday - August 30, 2023

DHUSAMAREB, Somalia — President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, after a month in Dhusamareb, has turned his gaze toward the strategic city of Maxaas in the Hiraan region. This strategic move signals Somalia’s renewed determination to combat Al-Shabaab.

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Wararka Maanta-Arbaco, Agoosto 30, 2023

Arbaco, Agoosto, 30, 2023 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo mudo ku dhaw hal bil ku sugan magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee Caasimadda maamulka Galmudug oo uu u tagay hoggaaminta dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab ayaa warar soo baxaya waxay sheegayaan inuu ku wajahan yahay magaalada Maxaas ee gobolka Hiiraan.

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Wararka Maanta-Talaado, Agoosto 29, 2023

Talaado, Agoosto, 29, 2023 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud ayaa ka dhawaajiyay in la joogo waqtigii lala xisaabtami lahaa, kuwa uu sheegay inay awooddii ciidanka la siiyay ku tagri faleen.

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Somali News Update -Tuesday - August 29, 2023

Dhusamareb (HOL) - A senior leader of al-Shabab has defected from the group and surrendered to Somali army forces in north-central Somalia on Tuesday, as reported by the government.

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Somali News Update -Monday - August 28, 2023

LONDON — In a move reflecting growing international interest in Somali governance, Adam Smith International, the London-based consultancy with a robust history in Somalia, recently clinched a consultancy contract in the East African nation.

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Wararka Maanta-Isniin, Agoosto 28, 2023

Isniin, Agoosto, 28, 2023 (HOL) - Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in kooxda Al-shabaab ay Maanta dib ula wareegtay deegaanka wabxo.

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Wararka Maanta-Axad, Agoosto 27, 2023

Axad, Agoosto, 27, 2023 (HOL) - War murtiyeed ayaa caawa kasoo baxay shirka wadatashiga qaran ee Dowladda federalka, dowladaha xubnaha ka ah iyo maamulka gobolka Banaadir, kaasoo uga socday magaalada Dhuusomareeb.

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Somali News Update -Sunday - August 27, 2023

Mogadishu, Somalia — A deadly assault by Al-Shabaab militants in Awswayn, Galgaduud region yesterday has drawn sharp criticism and calls for a comprehensive investigation, led by former Somali President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

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Somali News Update -Saturday - August 26, 2023

Hargeisa (HOL) - In a resolute display of solidarity, the President of Somaliland and the presidential candidate of the Waddani party convened at the presidential palace to call upon the nation to unite and extend support to the military forces in the aftermath of a disheartening defeat in the Las Anod conflict.

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Wararka Maanta-Sabti, Agoosto 26, 2023

Sabti, Agoosto, 26, 2023 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa magaalada Dhuusamareeb ka furay shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaranka ee dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad-goboleedyada.

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Somali News Update -Friday - August 25, 2023

Friday, August 25, 2023 (HOL) - On Friday, federal troops, supported by local community forces, regained control of El buur, a significant district in the Galgaduud region. The district was formerly dominated by the Al-shabaab militants.

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6:19:26 PM
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