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Six Sri Lankan fishermen await repatriation after rescue from Somali pirates

Thursday February 29, 2024

The Lorenzo Putha-4, anchored in Port Victoria, Seychelles, following a rescue operation after an attack by Somali pirates. The Sri Lankan fishing vessel and its six-man crew await repatriation after being stranded since January 27. SUPPLIED

Mogadishu (HOL) — Six Sri Lankan fishermen, rescued from Somali pirates by the Seychelles Coast Guard on January 27, remain stranded in Seychelles, awaiting repatriation. The fishermen were aboard the Lorenzo Putha-4, currently anchored at Port Victoria. The Sri Lankan government has yet to facilitate their return, raising concerns among their families and the ship's owner, Francis Milroy Perera.

Perera has expressed frustration over the lack of progress and the slow legal proceedings initiated by the government for their repatriation. Despite the fishing industry's significant contributions to the national economy, he feels abandoned by the authorities in this time of need.

In a video, the crew emphasized their desperate situation, stating they had been wrongfully detained and pleading for immediate action to ensure their release and return home.

Government Response and Ship Owner's Appeal

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Fisheries have been criticized for their slow response. Perera, who met with ministry officials, was told to expect news on the crew's return within days but remains skeptical given the delay already experienced.

Perera, burdened by the costs of maintaining the ship's operational status, has been vocal about the lack of support from the Sri Lankan government, urging for more decisive action to bring the crew home. He has visited various authorities to plead for their cause but to no avail.

Background and Incident Details

The Lorenzo Putha-4 left Chillaw for the Arabian Sea on January 27, along with two other vessels. During their voyage, they were attacked by Somali pirates. The crew managed to send a distress signal, leading to their rescue by the Seychelles Coast Guard.

Since the attack, the fishermen have reportedly been provided with food but continue to face difficult living conditions. In a video conference, Rakith Dushan, the ship's captain, conveyed that the crew is struggling to cope with the situation.

The families of the stranded fishermen are experiencing economic hardship and anxiety due to the prolonged absence of their loved ones. The captain's mother has publicly appealed for their swift return.


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