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NAIROBI (HOL) - Authorities in Kenya said Saturday they have launched investigations into the disappearance of a Somali scholar who was reportedly bundled into a vehicle in Nairobi on Wednesday.
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Jimco, September, 10, 2021 (HOL) - Kulan degdeg oo ay maanta isugu yimaadeen golaha midowga musharraxiinta madaxweynaha, waxay ku dhawaaqeen in ay si buuxda u garab istaagan yihiin raysal wasaare Rooble.
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Mogadishu (HOL) - The presidents of Galmudug, Ahmed Abdi Karie (Qoor Qoor), and Southwest state, Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed (Laftagareen), have arrived in Mogadishu on Thursday to reportedly mediate talks between President Farmajo and Prime Minister Roble amidst the current constitutional crisis.
Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia's Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Mursal Abdirahman accused Prime Minister Roble of thwarting government oversight by unilaterally firing the former Internal Security Minister Hassan Hundubey Jimale and replaced him with a vocal Farmaajo detractor.
Khamiis, September, 9, 2021 (HOL) - Guddoomiyaha barlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Mursal Cabdiraxmaan, ayaa ku eedeeyay raysal wasaare Rooble in xukuumadiisu ku xad gudubtay kala socnaanta laamaha dowladda, kadib markii maanta wasiirka cusub ee amniga oo aan helin xasaanad loo dhaariyay xilka loo magacaabay.
Arbaco, September, 8, 2021 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa sheegay in xil ka qaadista Wasiirka Amniga Gudaha Xasan Xundubeey aysan ku imaanin sifo sharci ah, sidaas darteedna aysan dhaqan gal ahayn.
Mogadishu (HOL) - The cracks in Somalia's national executive continue to widen on Tuesday as both the PM and President issued new competing directives and appointments.
Talaado, September, 7, 2021 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa aqbalay istiqaalo uu usoo gudbiyay Agaasimaha Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka, Fahad Yaasiin, isagoo dhinaca kale u magacaabay la taliyaha amniga madaxweynaha.
Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble met with the Commanders of the Armed Forces and the newly appointed Director-General of the National Security and Intelligence Agency in his office on Monday as rifts within the nation's executive branch begin to emerge.
Isniin, September, 6, 2021 (HOL) - Ra’iisul Wasaaraha xukuumada Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble ayaa xafiiska kula kulmay agaasimaha cusub oo uu u magacaabay hay’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka, Sarreeye Guud Bashiir Maxamed Jaamac (Bashiir Goobe).
Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo issued a directive on Monday morning that declared Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble's dismissal of Somalia's spy chief "illegal" and "unconstitutional."
Mogadishu (HOL) - Somalia's Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble, has sacked Fahad Yasin, Director General of the National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA), on Sunday and has appointed Bashir Mohamed Gobe as the agency's interim director.