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Wararka Maanta-Sabti, April 27, 2024

Sabti, April, 27, 2024 (HOL) - Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa soo dhoweysay horjoogayaal katirsan Alshabaab, kuwaas oo iskusoo dhiibay gacanta dowladda, iyagoo ka faa'idaysanayay cafis uu madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh u fidiyay qof kasta oo doonaya inuu si nabad ah ugu noolaado dalkiisa.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Friday - April 26, 2024

The event brought together foreign and local investors, businesses facilitators, scholars, entrepreneurs and Somalia friends in diaspora to network and pursue opportunities for investment and rebuilding the country's economy.

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Wararka Maanta-Jimco, April 26, 2024

Jimco, April, 26, 2024 (HOL) - Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa hakisay cunnadii ay siin jirtay ciidanka kumaandooska Danab, kadib markii ay soo shaac baxday musuq-maasuq ku saabsan iibsashada gargaarka cuntada iyo shidaalka ee lasiiyo ciidamada Danab.

Warkii oo dhan

Wararka Maanta-Khamiis, April 25, 2024

Khamiis, April, 25, 2024 (HOL) - Dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya ayaa faahfaahin ka bixisay howlgal culus oo maanta oa dhacay dhulka howdka ah ee ku yaala deegaanka Tabar mooge oo qiyaas ahaan 28 KM dhanka Waqooyi kaga beegan degmada Xarardheere ee gobolka Mudug.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Thursday - April 25, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) — The Somali government has reinforced a policy prohibiting its agencies from conducting meetings outside the country. This announcement comes as Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre prepares for his first official visit to Kenya since taking office.

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Somali News Update -Wednesday - April 24, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) — President Hassan Sheikh on Tuesday called on Somalia's regional governments to avoid politicizing key national issues such as unity, solidarity, and independence. His appeal comes amidst ongoing tensions with Puntland over constitutional amendments.

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Wararka Maanta-Arbaco, April 24, 2024

Arbaco, April, 24, 2024 (HOL) - Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ugu baaqday dowlad goboleedyada in aysan siyaasadeynin arrimaha midnimada, wadajirka, madax-bannaanida iyo gobnimada siyaasadeed ee dalka.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Tuesday - April 23, 2024

Hargeisa (HOL) —The breakaway Republic Somaliland has issued a formal request to international donors, urging them to channel donations directly to it instead of through the Somali government.

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Wararka Maanta-Talaado, April 23, 2024

Talaado, April, 23, 2024 (HOL) - Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ku eedaysay in uu amray dilka aqoonyahan Cabdinaasir Muuse Dahable oo Xamar lagu dilay bishii February ee sannadkan.

Warkii oo dhan

Wararka Maanta-Isniin, April 22, 2024

Isniin, April, 22, 2024 (HOL) - Catriona Laing, Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, ayaa shaqada ka tagaysa bisha May 21, 2024, sida ay shaacisay Qaramada Midoobay.

Warkii oo dhan

Somali News Update -Monday - April 22, 2024

MOGADISHU (HOL) — Catriona Laing, the United Nations Special Representative to Somalia, will end her year-long tenure on May 21, 2024, the United Nations announced today. Laing was appointed in 2023 by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

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Somali News Update -Sunday - April 21, 2024

Garowe (HOL) - At least 50 al-Shabab militants, including top commanders, were reportedly killed in an attack by ISIS/Daesh on al-Shabab positions in Puntland regional State, Al-Naba TV reported.

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1:53:42 AM
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