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The extradition of Qalbi-Dhagah was illegal, says parliamentary committee

Hiiraan Online
Saturday November 18, 2017

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The rendition of Abdikarim Muse Qalbi-Dhagax, ONLF commander and former Somali military officer, to Ethiopian was illegal, a report by parliamentary committee said.

The report endorsed by Somali parliament on Saturday has dismissed outlawing ONLF as a terrorist organization.

The parliamentary commission formed mid September to probe the circumstances under which Qalbi Dhagah was extradited, blamed Somalia's spy agency for providing misinformation about the victim.

"Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency had provided the government leaders with wrong information and subsequently hid the case of Qalbi Dhagah from the justice department," reads the report submitted to the House this morning.

The 15 member committee probed and reviewed the previous so-called Security agreement between Somalia and Ethiopian in relation to this matter.

“The government should mull over the previous deals and should keep away all matters that can lead insecurity,”  the committee urged the government in its report which overwhelmingly got 152 votes out 161 of  today’s session.

Qalbi Dhagah was handed over to Ethiopia on 28th August this year following a raid by Somali force on his hotel in Galkayo, central Somalia.

Days after the extradition, Somali cabinet had defended the rendition labeling as ONLF outlawed terrorist group.

The government of Ethiopia confirmed the handing over, citing a security partnership treaty between Addis Ababa and Mogadishu.


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