U.S heightens alert on Somalia, says 20 ‘may have died’ in ongoing turmoil

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    FiqiJin @ 2/20/2021 9:52 PM EST
 According to Somalia's constitution the sitting government will continue
in office in the absence of an elected government to replace it.
It is obvious this opposition wants to plunge Somalia in anarchy, lawlessness,
chaos and violence! I knew that when they called in warlord Moorya*n Indhacade
and his armed militias to the scene!

First they put a demand which no sitting president could accept, which is Somalia
federal troops (on their soil) at the border with Kenya should be withdrawn! Then,
when the president's term lapsed, they demand the president to leave Villa Somalia,
which will create a dangerous political vacuum!

Kenya and other Somalia enemies couldn't have done better to destabilize Somalia!
    amina_samajecel @ 2/20/2021 4:01 PM EST
 It is time for Yamamoto to leave Somalia,
hope that the new administration appoints a
competent diplomat that understands the complexity
of a wartorn country that is fragile and doesn't
have strong institutions.

President Biden should know that Farmajo has the same
mentor as Trump and Somalia neither has the same institutions
nor the same MPs that USA has. Imagine the USA situation
without competent Judiciary and Legislative organs. In Somalia
we don't have independent Legislative and Judiciary organs and we
have someone whose mandated ended and wants to either remain illegally
in office or a rigged election whose result is known before the election

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