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The UN Trusteeship mandate placed on Somalia ends at Midnight on 30 June, 1960
By M. Trunji
Friday July 1, 2022

Aden Abdulla proclaims the birth of the New State

At midnight on the 30th June, 1960 the Somali flag was hoisted atop the National Assembly building. The provisional Head of State, S. E. Aden Abdulla, appeared on the balcony of the Assembly where he was greeted by a very large crowd of happy and cheering Somalis below. When the hundreds of thousands of Somalis gathered in the main square facing the Parliament, the African Solidarity Square, and saw the hoisting of the flag above the National Assembly building, 114 canon salvoes, equal to the number of the chapters in the Koran, marked the event. When calm returned, Aden Abdulla started his speech announcing the proclamation of a free and independent Somalia.  He said: “Fellow Somalis, in this moment in which I am announcing to you, with the heart brimming of joy, the birth of the Somali Republic, allow me to congratulate you for the struggle we have jointly conducted to wetness united this historic moment. The history of our young Nation abounds with sacrifice, expectations and hope; these facts and situations are engraved in our hearts as one.”Today”, he added “we are Somalis, independent and sovereign. Finally, we have our own State, our own flag, and with God’s leave, we must preserve it. Her added: “We call the the world represented here today, to bear witness of our firm desire to have friendly relations with all. Our first words to the world delivered, like the intensive, initial call of a new-born, is for peace and prosperity to all”.

“Fellow Somalis: wherever you may be rejoice with me and give all your energies, to the defense of the sacred values of democracy, respect, peace and justice. Our course of action in foreign policy is to reflect our domestic policy.. Let us honour and respect our democratic institutions and model them on our relations with the rest of the world. We sincerely say to the world who is now listening us that we are proud of our achievements and jealous of our newly acquired independence”.

Despite the auspiciousness of the occasion, Aden Abdulla invited then the crowd to turn their thought to the “millions of our African brethren still languishing under the yoke of foreign rule and injustice and left in a state of utter disorientation”. “We renew our appeal of peace and justice to the world that is listening to us for these brothers of ours since it is good and just that the entire world knows that we Somalis, being part of Africa, feel mortified to the point of death by their plight and the inequity that prevails in the world more generally”.

“Fellow Somalis: On your behalf, I thank the very kind guests who, from far away counties, came to rejoice and celebrate with us this happy occasion which marks this special year for Africa, of 1960, a starting point leading to a new era of peace and prosperity in Somalia, in Africa and the world. May God protect the Republic”.

It was the speech in which Aden Abdulla sent out his vision for the nascent Somalia, a nation he hoped would be prosperous, tolerant where corruption would find no home. His brief speech, interrupted again and again by shouts of “Soomaaliya Hannoolaato” [Long live Somalia], marked a turning point. His speech shows that he was mindful of the political evolution in other African countries and kept repeating that his country would only be truly free and independent if all of Africa were too. His Pan-African views and action granted him extra-national prominence as his message was the basis for the Organization of African Unity (OAU) that later became the African Union (AU).

The President asserted that the Republic will maintain good relations with all nations and defend “the sacred values of democracy” The President’s speech was followed by that of the head of the Italian delegation. When the time came to hand over Somalia to the Somalis, a Minister of the Republic of Italy was sent to Mogadiscio. It was Senator Giuseppe Medici, Minister of Education, and an old-fashioned Modenese notable with a chin adorned with a pointed goatee. During the ceremony, the Italian flag was lowered, scrupulously folded and handed over to the Minister who would take it back to Italy.

Senator Medici read a brief but significant message from the Italian Head of State to the President of the Somali Republic. He said: “Being aware of the significance and importance of today’s celebrations, I have the privilege to notify you wth sincere congratulations that Italy, in compliance with the Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, has ended at zero hundred hours of today, 1 July, 1960, the Trusteeship Administration assigned to her by the United Nations on November 21, 1949. I have therefore the honor of declaring that Italy extends, as from this moment, its recognition to Somalia as sovereign and independent. Italy is convinced that she is transferring sovereign powers to a State based on the democratic and modern institutions, albeit embryonic, of an adequate administration. I do moreover conform that in the future also Somalia can count on the support and friendship of the government and the people of Italy. Constantine Stravropoulos, a representative of the United Nations, said: “independence could never have been achieved without an enthusiastic spirit of the Somali people and Italy’s enlightened leadership”.

All United members, except for South Africa, Byelorussia, and Ukraine, were invited to attend the independence celebrations. Representatives from the British Commonwealth, and Colonial Territories, including Kenya, Aden Sierra Leone, Tanganyika, Uganda and Nigeria. Over 400 guests were invited to the celebrations. Everyone was eager to observe this unique country which has defied all predictions and attained its independence. As the official celebrations came to an end, and the independence of Somalia was declared, Ambassadors were to present their credentials to the provisional Head of State from 1700pm at Villa Somalia, the former residence of the Italian Administrators which became the official residence of the Somali Head of State.

The Italian Ambassador, H.E, Silvio Daneo, was the first, followed by Britain, France and West Germany. The American Charge’ d’Affairs presented his credentials on July 11, 1960.

M. Trunji
E-mail: [email protected]


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