by Hussein Ali Hussein
Thursday August 18, 2022

“Call him a thinker, a philosopher, an intellectual, a
revolutionary, a critic, a teacher, at every turn in the checkered history of
his homeland, Hadrawi has delighted his people with his striking poetry, and
his clarity of vision, speaking truth to power when the occasion demanded,
joining the guerrilla movement to fight in the trenches …………….. By KHAINGA O’OKWEMBA (published in Somaliland Sun 08/01/2006)”
I was
fortunate to have met Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame (Hadrawi) in the early years of
my schooling. It was in Aden, now Yemen, which was a British colony at the
time. He was the first teacher to teach me the ABC of the English language.
Exactly a decade later, this time in Somalia, I was fortunate again to learn
from him the poetry and prose of the Somali language. He was our beloved teacher
of Somali literature during some awesome seasons at the College of Education (Lafoole).
to have had him, Hadrawi did his level best to share his talent with us
students. In the early days of his prominence , listening to his narration of
“Hooyo” and “Beledweyn” and his
descriptions of the episodes that led him compose those two masterpieces,
proved to us not only his impeccable choice of words, but also his command in storytelling.
We sat in class motionless, gazing with wide-open eyes and pondering. The forty
five minute period with Hadrawi was a break from the other arduous subjects. Explaining
to us the ins and outs of the ‘Siinlley’ collections that created many
controversies was an enlightenment we gained from the School of Hadrawi. Sessions
with him, in and out of class, ended with stanzas, rhymes and verses ringing in
our ears.
the Shakespeare of Somalia, some even went further to name him the Shakespeare
of Africa, Hadrawi showed to be a legendary Somali poet, playwright and
songwriter. His superbly memorable plays “Aqoon iyo Afgarad” and “Tawaawac” are
unquestionably superior to Hamlet, Odyssey, the Iliad and the many other highly
acclaimed epics of the world. No doubt, he could have surpassed many notable
literary figures if given the opportunity of exposure in the international
circles and he could have easily won the noble peace prize in literature if his
works were closely studied and accorded the platform it deserved.
from a unique talent, some opportunities that made Hadrawi different from his
peers in the field of literature were his travels and knowledge of different
languages. Educated in a prestigious high school in Aden, he excelled in the
Arabic and English languages and closely read the works of many foreign
literary giants. Al Mutanby, Umru Alqais, Ahmed Showqi, Abul Qaasim Al-Shaabbi,
Shakespeare, Milton, Shelly and Keats were some of his favourites that he at
times referred to.
poetry brilliantly encompassed many themes. It covered love, peace, revolt,
nature, beauty, wisdom, nationalism and many other fields. Enriched with
powerful and descriptive words and expressions, his poetry was translated to
many languages. Be it metaphor, hyperbole, simile, paradox or irony and the
many other parts of the figurative language, not only did he extensively employed
them but perfected them all with style. The
poetry of Hadrawi was admired throughout the Somali speaking regions and
beyond. Intellectuals, academics, traditional poets and students of literature,
all agree that Hadrawi was an icon of Somali poetry and shall be remembered as
such forever.
for his good character, Hadrawi was far from being arrogant. He was not full of
himself. Humble and humane he was, that at times you saw him listening for
hours long to destitute fellows that needed his help. He provided whatever
assistance was at his disposal to alleviate the suffering of anyone he crossed
path with. In particular, he was more
sensitive and responsive to the needs of children, respected women and
advocated for the marginalized sectors of the society. Hadrawi abhorred condescending
attitudes and in an era of tyranny and ruthless rulers, he was the unwavering
voice that rejected and exposed the ills of dictatorship and the
repugnant acts of repression
that were perpetuated by the brutal oppressors. He was modestly self-effacing
but assertive when a challenge is due. He was peaceful but vigorous. When
others were in melancholy and sadness, Hadrawi was always the uplifting one.
Hadrawi Peace March (Socdaalkii Nabadda) in 2003 from Hargeisa to Kismayo was
an example of the peace loving person that Hadrawi was. He rose to the occasion
when stability was out of hands in Somalia. The regions he covered and the
people who received him in every settlement, village and town illustrated how
the Somali people, from all walks of life, admired and respected him.
which was his correct nickname, will always be in our hearts and minds. In this
time of sorrow, my deepest sympathy goes to his immediate and extended family and
the millions out there who admired him for the person he was. We ask Allah to
forgive him and rest his soul in peace- Amiin.
“ Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return”
Hussein Ali Hussein
Hargeisa, Somaliland