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The fall of Gedo: 26th Anniversary of Ethiopia’s Invasion on Gedo region
Ibrahim Aden Shire
Tuesday August 9, 2022

On this day 26 years ago Ethiopia carried out an air and land invasion on the Gedo region, Somalia. Its air force bombarded Luq and Boholgaras indiscriminately while its ground troops attacked Balad-Hawo, and Dolow in addition to the above-mentioned towns. Ethiopia claimed that it targeted the Islamist bases and that it killed over 200 Al-Itihad militants and wounded many more. However, it did not spare anywhere it could reach, be residential houses, mosques or busy markets. Its troops, tanks and helicopters swept through those towns firing indiscriminately. Scores of civilians and Al-Itihad fighters were killed. Among the civilians killed in a mosque was the Luq district commissioner Aadan sheekh Hassan Gaas. Nevertheless, the invasion had far more disastrous consequences than the initial death and destruction it caused. Almost all the troubles that our country has seen since then go back to that very day in one way or the other.

Firstly this invasion has defined the future relationship between the Somali people and Ethiopian government. After this incursion Ethiopia’s attitude towards Somalia and its dealing with Somali people had dramatically changed. As the weaknesses and fissures of Somali leaders had been severely exposed, Ethiopian rulers cleverly capitalized it. Since then Ethiopia has been dealing with Somali people as fragmented unruly tribes which had no state. Immediately after the invasion, it developed a divide and rule policy which allowed her to bring border regions under its administration. It established a permanent presence in Gedo, Baay and Bakool. It had been expanding its influence on other regions, gradually bringing one after one under its rule. By 2005 the whole country came under its rule either directly or indirectly exempt two Jubbas, two Shabeelles and Banadir. And finally December 28th 2006 the whole country fell and the Ethiopian flag was raised over Villa Somalia.

Secondly on this day 26 years ago was when Al-shabaab was conceived which would be born 10 years later. This organization, which is the greatest danger the whole region is facing, started to evolve from that incident. After this aggression, Al-itihad fighters began gorilla war and adopted the same brutal and savage tactics that Al-shabaab use today including mining roads, beheading and assassinating civilians on mere suspicion. Al-Itihad leaders were divided on this issue and most of the top leaders opposed those actions and condemned them as unreligious. They demanded the war in Gedo to be stopped altogether several times. But others including Hasan Dahir Aweys, Ibrahim Afghan and Mohammed Haji Yusuf, the head of the so-called Gedo Emirate, insisted it was a rightful Jihad thus supporting its continuation. The annual general meeting of Al-Ictisaam (former Al-Itihad) was held in Mogadishu between 31/07/1999 and 5/08/1999. One of the outcomes of this conference was to stop the fighting in Gedo and lay down the guns. What would be Al-shabaab leaders refused to accept that declaration.  Although they began their own separate conference and political and military movement, they remained under the Al-Ictisam banner until 2006 when they named themselves Al-Shabaab.  

Therefore August the 9th invasion was central to what happened in our country in the years that followed to date. Yet no one asked why and how it happened nor did it attract the attention of scholars and researchers. Indeed it was forgotten all together. A forthcoming book written in Somali will try to fill this gap. The book will explore how we came to that day; who was responsible for the actions that provoked this attack and finally whether it could be avoided.

But for now let’s remember those who perished in that savage attack by making dua for all of them and sharing the names of those lucky ones whose names were recorded. I have taken the below list from the book Cadowkeennu Waa Kuma by Abdullahi Farah Ali. The list is not conclusive



1:Jaamac Cabdullahi Faarax   

Marreexaan Celi

2: Cabdullahi Muxammed Tareey 

Marreexaan reer Axmed

3: Cabdinaasir Cabdullahi Macallin  

Marreexaan Wagardhac

4: Cabdirashiid Faarax Cali (Faarax Taano) 

Marreexaan reer Diini Reer Siyaad

5: Cabdi Maxammed Xaashi  

Marreexaan Uurmidig

6: Maxammed Sheekh Axmed

qolo uu yahay lama helin

7: Gaasow Xaashi Shire

Marreexaan reer Axmed

8: Ibrahim Maxammed Dhaqane

qoladiisa lama helin

9:Cabdi Axmed sheekhdoon

Marreexaan Wagardhac

10: Axmed Cabdi Faarax (Qablan)

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Siyaad

11: Ciise Cabdiraxmaan Ducaale

Marreexaan Calidheere

12:Cabdirisaaq Xasan Sh. Yuusuf

Marreexaan Calidheere

13: Cabdirisaaq Daahir Xirsi

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Warsame

14: Cabdirisaaq Axmed Warsame

qolodiisa lama helin

15: Axmed Ismaaciil Qoslaaye

Marreexaan Calidheere 

16: Xasan Maxammuud Iinshaar

Marreexaan Calidheere 

17: Cumar Khaliif Maxammuud

Marreexaan reer Axmed

18: Cabdiraxmaan Oogle Jaamac

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Ugaas Sharmaake

19: Amina Hurdaaye

Marreexaan Calidheere 

20: Cabdiraxmaan Cabdi Cilmi

Marreexaan Wagardhac 

21: Buulle Diiriye Ciye

Marreexaan Calidheere 

22: Axmed Ibrahim Xuseen

Marreexaan Calidheere 

23:Saciid Cabdikariin Warsame

Marreexaan Calidheere 

24: Jaamac Cabdi Yarow

Absame Bartire

25 maxammed Cabdullahi Cali

Raxanweyn Laysaan

26 Maxammed Carab Maxammuud

Marreexaan Calidheere 

27:Xuseen Shuqul

Marreexaan reer Cismaan

28:Cabdiqaadir Axmed Ciise

Marreexaan Wagardhac 

29: Addeec Cali Hanbo

Marreexaan reer Axmed 

30:Cali Cabdulle Hiire

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Dalal

31: Cabdikariin Cumar Aadan

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Allamagan Diini

31 Macallin Yuusuf Magaalle

Marreexaan reer Xasan

32: Macallin Aadan Cabdinuur

Marreexaan reer Xasan

33: Cabdirashiid Cumar Cilmi

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Shirwac Diini

34: Xuseen Ooyow Soomow


35: Maxammuud sheekh Faarax

Marreexaan reer Axmed

36 Cabdi Cali Gargaar

Marreexaan reer Axmed

37 Yuusuf Caydiid Biixi

Marreexaan reer Axmed

38: Maxammed Umal Iinshaar

Marreexaan Calidheere 

39:Cabdinaasir sheekh Xasan

Marreexaan reer Xasan

40: Ibraahin Magaalle

Marreexaan reer Xasan

41: sheekh Maxammed Xasan Cali

Dir Gariire

42: Maxammed Cabdi Guure

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

43: Xasan Cabdiwaaxid sh Cabdullahi

Marreexaan reer Garaad

44: Maxammuud Faarax Maxammed

Marreexaan Calidheere 

45: Cumar Xaaji Aadan

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Siyaad

46: Muuse sheekh Cabdi

Marreexaan reer Yabar

47: Cabdinuur sheekh Xasan

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

48: Bishaar Duge dhaqane

Marreexaan reer Axmed 

49: Cabdirashiid Haajir

Dir Fiqi Muxummed

50 Siyaad Yuusuf Coogweyne


51 Cabdullahi Faarax

qolodiisa lama helin

52: Cabdirashiid Xasan Mursal

Marreexaan reer Yabar

53; Mahad Gamaaddiid

Absame Galimays

54: Saciid Xasan Maxammed

Marreexaan Calidheere 

55: Maxammed Cabdi

Marreexaan reer Xasan

56: Aadan Sh Xasan Gaar (Wuxuu ahaa gudoomiyihii Luuq marka la dilayo)

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Siyaad

57: Cabdirashiid Yoontooy

Hawiye Wacdaan 

58: Xasan Cali Isaaq


59: Sh Maxammed Faarax

Ogaadeen Cawilyahan

60: Maxammed Cali Jaamac 


61: Xasan Maxammed Qase

Marreexaan reer Axmed 

62: Rashiid Ilyaas Cumar

Marreexaan reer Xasan

63: Aadan Cabdi Salaad

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

64: Axmed Sheekh Cali

reer Axmed

65: Maxammed Aadan (Abuu Diyana)


66: Macallin Bashiir Maxammed

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

67: Maxammed Cabdullahi


68: Xuseen Maxammed Warsame

Marreexaan Reer Garaad

69: Cabdiraxmaan Baarreey

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

70: Axmed Cismaan Xaaji Cabdi

Marreexaan Calidheere 

71: Cismaan Cabdi Maxammed


72: Aadan Caddow Xasan

Marreexaan reer Xasan

73: Cabdinuur Cabdinaasir Xaashi 


74: Aadan Cismaan Maxammed

Marreexaan reer Xasan

75: Cabdullahi Xuseen Qoriyow

Marreexaan reer Xasan

76: Cali sheekh Cabdulle

Marreexaan reer Axmed

77: Cabdikariin Yuuruf Garre


78: Aadan Axmed Qablan

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Siyaad 

79: Bashiir Wali Sulub

Dir Gaadsan

80: Maxammed Saciid Macallin

Marreexaan Talxe

81: Muuse Abshir Aadan

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

82: Cabdiraxmaan Sh Ismaaciil

Marreexaan Celi

83:  Bashiir Dheelmooy

Marreexaan Hawraarsame

84: Cabdishakuur Abshir Cartan

Marreexaan Wagardhac 

85: Maxammed Cabdiqaadir


86: Axmed Sh Cali

Hawiye Jajeele

87: Cali Cismaan Cabdullahi

Marreexaan Calidheere 

88: Axmed Cabdi Maxammed

Marreexaan Calidheere 

89: Bashiir Lambar Duwe

Marreexaan reer Ina-Nuur

90: Cabdiqaadir Shariif Madoobe


91: Aadan Sh Abshirow

Raxanweyn Laysaan

92: Ismaaciil Xuseen Axmed

Raxanweyn Gasaaragude

93: Maxammed Xasan Moos

(qabiilkiisa lama helin)

94: Muxayaddiin Diiriye Aadan

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

95: Indhacadde

Marreexaan Wagardhac 

96: Caddow Maxammed Laysaamow

Raxanweyn Laysaan

97: Faadumo Mayow Mayow

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

98: Shugri Mayow Sh Cali

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

99: Cabdiwahaab Mayow Sh Cali

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

10: Faadumo Axmed Maxammed

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

101: Ismaaciil sheekh Xasan

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

102: Mustaf Daa’uud Mayow

Raxanweyn Gabaaweyn

103: Khadiijo Faarax Ogaadeen

Marreexaan Celi 

104: Xaddiyo Macallin

Marreexaan Celi 

105: Axmed Cadduur

Marreexaan reer Axmed 

106: Cawke Xasan Xaaji

Ogaadeen Cawlyahan 

107: Daahir Cali Walaalow 


108: Ismaaciil Aadan Biriq 


109: Xasan Bacaad Malbaale

Marreexaan Hawraarsame reer Iidow

110: Bishaar Maxammed Qaasin


111: Bishaar Xasan Nuur

Marreexaan reer Axmed

112: Shugriya Ciise Weer

Marreexaan reer Axmed

113: Cabdullahi Cismaan Axmed

Marreexaan reer Axmed

114: Maxammed Cismaan Kacaan

Marreexaan reer Xasan

115: Axmed Faarax Geelle 


116: Cali Nuur Kalkaal

Raxanweyn Diisow

117: Hore Kinaa Sharmaake

Marreexaan reer Diini reer Ugaas Sharmaake

118: Xuseen Caddow

Marreexaan Hawraarsame

119: Mahad Maxammed Guuleed

Reer Shabeelle

120: Cabdullahi Cali Salaad

Reer Shabeelle

121: Cabdi Cali Maxammuud

Reer Shabeelle

122: Faadumo Sulub Diiriye

Dir Gaadsan

Ibrahim Aden Shire
[email protected]



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