by Aden Hire
Friday, June 7, 2019

Recently Somalia’s Lower House passed an election law which introduced proportional representation (PR) voting system for 2020/21 elections for parliamentarians and President to replace the medieval 4.5 system which was a disgrace to many Somalis even though it was understandable.
So, what is proportional representation and how does it work? Is it better than 4.5 system? Proportional representation is an electoral system that allows voters to be represented in a parliament in proportion to how they casted their votes. For example, if party A, B and C get 35%, 38% and 27% of the total votes in an election respectively, this means the 275 seats in the Lower House would be distributed as 96, 105 and 74 respectively.
Over 95 countries in the world use some form of proportional representation. It is by far the most widely used voting system in today’s democracies. South Africa, Algeria, Rwanda, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark are among the countries with PR.
Proportional representation does not create false majorities but rather produces fair representation in a parliament compared to single member plurality (SMP), which Somalia used to use in the 1960s. PR is absolutely better and more civilized way of representing voters in a government than 4.5 power sharing depending other factors which I will mention later. The Economist’s ranking of fifteen top ranked democracies in the world, thirteen of them use PR. Some argue PR may have its limitations depending on how strong democratic institutions are, the political and social culture of a country, rule of law, strong civil servants, and level of civil liberty.
Vernon Bogdanor who has studied PR extensively said: To meet the canons of democracy an electoral system shall perform two functions. It should ensure first that the majority rules and secondly, that significant minorities are represented and heard. Single member plurality which is used in many democratic countries fails on both counts.
The pros of PR include it increases the likelihood of women and minorities being elected (inclusion), fair representation and consensual politics. It encourages parties to be left-centre or centre-right which gives less political space for extremist politicians to govern. Sometimes extremists get chance to win seats or lead as long as they pass the threshold required in the vote. PR requires from politicians to collaborate and compromise. Parties with centre policies tend to do well with clear platform and a leader who can build alliances.
The cons of PR include unstable government as it’s difficulty to get a party with simple majority. There is a common perception that PR will naturally lead to a pizza parliament which produces a dysfunctional government and hung parliament. At one point, Belgium did not have a government for about two years as parties could not agree to form a government. In Somalia’s case the country is treated as one large single constituent for 2020/21 election, critics of closed party list PR argue the system weakens the link between members of parliament and constituents.