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Gurmad Statement on the Foreign Imposed 2016 Consultative Project for Somalia

Monday, December 7, 2015

Somalia has reached a critical moment in the development of processes for political transition in 2016. A so-called Somali National Consultative Forum convened on the 19th and 20th of October, 2015 in Mogadishu to discuss the 2016 electoral process. Through this “Consultative” project, foreign elements hijacked, both politically and technically, the constitutional prerogative of the Somali parliament and that of the Independent Electoral Commission using a few self-serving Somali political actors.


In the past, Gurmad declared that there is no ethical, legal or political justification for the so-called  ”Consultative” process; for such endeavor would be nothing more than further derailment of the already frail Somali institutions, not to mention waste of resources. Gurmad, instead, called for reforms that could include constitutional, legislative, operational and institutional aspects as well as accountability mechanisms. It also urged the parliament to, among other things; pass an interim electoral law to replace the previous ad hoc and extra-legal tradition of outsourcing Somalia’s political processes to foreign entities.


Because Somalia cannot afford another round of foreign-imposed political experiment that disregards the genuine aspirations of the Somali people and their sovereign rights to self-determination, Gurmad is compelled to make the following declarations:


1.      Gurmad strongly reiterates that Somali parliament, the nation’s primary law-making body, must not cede its inherent authority of making electoral laws to the “outcome” of the so-called “Consultative Forum”, a process crafted and executed by foreign actors who, in contravention of the Somali law, arbitrarily gave a set of pre-determined options or “election models” to hand-picked participants in a few towns in Somalia. Moreover, and in order to prevent the usurpation of its legislative role, the Somali parliament must immediately open debate on electoral laws including party laws. The electoral law should clarify and provide for a legal framework within which the Independent Electoral Commission can manage a transitional administration of power transfer for 2016 within the constitutional calendar.


2.      The so-called national “Consultative Forum” is not a constitutionally mandated process and as such, its decisions will be nothing more than gentleman’s agreement. Gurmad condemns the “Consultative Forum” as a replication of the Signatories of the Transitional Roadmap process in 2012 and, once again, demands Somali leaders involved in these illegal processes and their foreign backers to refrain from usurping the legal authority of the institution of parliament and other relevant national institutions.


3.      Gurmad urges the executive branch and regional administrations to respect the institutional autonomy of the independent commissions, especially the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) noting that Article 111G of the Provisional Constitution stipulates that elections in the country should be managed by a national independent electoral commission independent of any interference from the executive. The Article states in pertinent part that “the National Independent Electoral Commission shall be independent of the executive and shall manage its own budget”.


4.      Gurmad acknowledges the slow progress made by the parliament in the past few months with respect to the legislation establishing the constitutional court and the informal discussions about political parties law. Gurmad urges the institution of parliament to discharge its responsibility and pass political parties law as well as the laws establishing the constitutional court and other constitutionally mandated institutions that would guide the process of legally transferring power in 2016. Gurmad remains hopeful that the institution of parliament will be responsive to the demands of Somali citizens. Moreover, Gurmad stands ready to help in preparing the necessary legislation and policy documents and engaging the Somali public should the parliament decide to take the leadership of this important transition process for 2016.


5.      Gurmad condemns the recent clan-based conflict in the town of Galkayo and calls on all sides to end the violence. Gurmad further warns of the spread of Galkayo type conflicts across the country if the Somali people do not reject foreign-imposed political experiments in the name of building federal units or conducting elections.


6.      Gurmad will continue to closely monitor developments on the ground and will present appropriate political agenda to the Somali people should Somali political actors fail to heed the plea of the Somali public for legitimate and meaningful political process by December 31, 2015.


Finally, Gurmad underscores that legitimate transfer of power in 2016 is contingent upon the Somali ownership of the entire process without which all processes would only prove an extravagant charade, at best. The Somali state can only be salvaged when Somalis are awaken; when we collectively work toward genuine reconciliation; when we reclaim our sovereignty and graciously ask our friends to step to the side, when we dispel our foes and all those who wish us ill, and when we confront the dark forces that are mortgaging the future of our nation for their own interest. 



For further information, please contact us at [email protected].








     Warmurtiyeedka Gurmad ee Mashruuca Wadatashiga 2016ka ee Shisheeyuhu Wato


Soomaaliya waxay gaartay marxalad adag oo u baahan in la diyaariyo hab talada siyaasadeed ee dalka lagula kala wareego 2016.  Shir lagu sheegay Wadatashi Qaran ayaa la qabtay 19kii iyo 20kii Oktoobar, 2015 si looga wada hadlo hannaanka doorashada ee 2016. Mashruucan wadatashiga lagu sheegay waxaa awooddii baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed iyo tii guddiga doorashooyinka qaranka kula wareegay shisheeye ku adeeganaya dhowr qof oo Soomaali ah oo danahooda eeganaya.


Hadda ka hor, Gurmad waxay caddaysay in aan loo hayn wax sharci ah iyo sabab kale toona in la raaco hannaanka shisheeyuhu riixayo ee lagu sheegay wadatashiga; iyo in ujeeddada laga leeyahay ay tahay in la sii wiiqo hay’adaha tabarta daran ee dowladda iyo in hanti lagu lumiyo hawlo aan dalka dan u ahayn. Gurmad waxay ku dhawaaqday in taas baddelkeed la dhiso hay’adaha dastuuriga ah lana diyaariyo xeerarkii lagu dhaqi lahaa dalka si loo helo nidaam shaqaynaya oo ku dhisan isla xisaabtan. Gurmad waxay kaloo ku tirtirsiisay baarlamaanku in uu meel mariyo xeerka doorashooyinka si loo soo afjaro dhaqan xumadii hore ee ahayd in si aan sharciga waafaqsanayn hannaanka siyaasadda Soomaaliya mar walba loogu gacan geliyo ururro shisheeye.


Soomaaliya uma dulqaadan karto tijaabo dambe oo shisheeye soo dhoodhoobay oo aan ka turjumayn rabitaanka dadka iyo danta dalka Soomaaliya. Haddaba, si aanay dadka Soomaaliyeed marti uga noqon aaya-ka-talinta dalkooda, Gurmad waxay soo saartay qodobbadan:


1.      Gurmad waxay si adag ugu celcelinaysaa in baarlamaanka Soomaaliya uusan awooddiisa dejinta xeerarka doorashada ku sii deynin ‘golaha wadatashiga’ oo ah mashruuc ay dejiyeen hay’ado shisheeye ah, oo si sharciga ka baxsan inta qoray “noocyo doorasho” hor geeyay dad ay iyagu soo xusheen oo saacado kooban ku shiray dhowr magaalo oo dalka ah. Haddaba, si looga baaqsdo in awoodda sharci dejinta laga boobo, baarlamaanka Soomaaliya waa in uu si degdeg ah u billaabo doodda sharciyada doorashooyinka sida xeerka xisbiyada siyaasadda. Sharciga doorashadu waa in uu qeexaa hannaan sharci ah oo Guddiga Madaxa Bannaan ee Doorashooyinku uu ku maarayn karo xil wareejinta 2016 iyada oo la raacayo jadwalka dastuurka.


2.      Waxa loogu yeeray “Golaha Wadatashiga” ma ahan hay’ad dastuuri ah, mana lahan awood sharci ah. Sidaas awgeed, go’aammada ka soo baxa waxa qudha ee ay ka dhiganyihiin in rag isku dan ah oo shisheeye u shaqeeya ay is gacan qaadeen. Gurmad waxay cambaaraynaysaa in dib loogu noqday xilligii kumeelgaarka ahaa ee ay saxiixayaashu ku heshiinayeen “roadmap” ay shisheeye soo dejiyeen. Gurmad waxay ka dalbanaysaa hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaaliyeed ee qaybta ka ah hannaankan aan sharciga waafaqsanayn iyo shisheeyaha dabada ka riixaya in ay joojiyaan afduubka shaqada hay’adda baarlamaanka iyo hay’adaha kale ee qaranka.



3.      Gurmad waxay ku tirtirsiinaysaa hay’adda fulinta iyo maamul goboleedyadu in ay ixtiraamaan madaxbannaanida hay’adaha iyo guddiyada madaxa bannaan, gaar ahaan Guddiga Doorashooyinka Qaranka iyaga oo tixgelinaya in qodobka 111G ee dastuurka Soomaaliya uu dhigayo in doorashooyinka dalka ay maarayn doonto guddi qaran oo madax bannaan kaas oo ka madax bannaan faragelinta hay’adda fulinta. Sharcigu wuxuu leeyahay “Guddiga Madaxa Bannaan ee Doorashooyinku waa in uu ka madax bannaanaado hay’adda fulinta wuxuuna lahaan doonaa miisaaniyad u gaar ah oo uu iskiis u maamusho.”   


4.      Gurmad waxay ku ammaanaysaa baarlamaanka horumarka uu ku tillaabsaday bilihii la soo dhaafay dhanka sharci dejinta iyada oo ay hor yaallaan xeerka maxkamadda sare iyo kan xisbiyada siyaasadda. Gurmad waxay ugu baaqaysaa baarlamaanka in uu isu taago mas’uuliyadda ka saaran meel marinta sharciyada iyo samaynta hay’adaha dastuuriga ah ee lama huraanka u ah in 2016ka si sharci ah xilka looola kala wareego. Gurmad waxay ku han weyntahay in hay’adda baarlamaanku ay mudnaan siiso rabitaanka shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Gurmad waxay diyaar u tahay in ag is garab taagto baarlamaanka haddii ay tahay diyaarinta sharciyada iyo qoraallada siyaasadda ee loo baahanyahay iyo in shacabka Soomaaliyeed taageero looga helo in baarlamaanku hoggaamiyo hannaanka kala guurka 2016.  


5.      Gurmad waxay cambaaraynaysaa colaadaha beelaysan ee dhowaanahan ka dhacayay magaalada Gaalkacyo waxayna ugu baaqaysaa dhinacyada oo dhan in ay soo af jaraan colaadda. Gurmad waxay ka digaysaa in colaadda Gaalkacyo kuwo la mid ah ay ku faafaan dalka oo dhan haddii shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan diidin tijaabooyinka siyaasadeed ee shisheeyuhu riixayo iyada oo lagu gabbanayo in la dhisayo nidaam federal ah ama doorasho la qabanayo. 


6.      Gurmad waxay si dhow ula socotaa xaaladda dalka waxayna diyaarin doontaa talooyin ay dadka Soomaaliyeed kula yeelanayaan ayaahooda siyaasadeed haddii dadka xilka haya ay dhegaha ka furaystaan rabitaanka shacabka Soomaaliyeed  oo ay sii wadaan in ay u adeegaan shisheeyaha dadka kala fogeynaya illaa 31 Diseembar 2015. 



Gabagabadii, Gurmad waxay xaqiijinaysaa in si xalaal ah loola kala wareego awoodda dalka 2016ka ay ku xirantahay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed lahaado hannaanka oo dhan taas oo la’aanteed wixii la sameeyo ay iska noqonayaan luggooyo iyo khasaare. Dowladnimada Soomaaliya waa la soo celin karaa haddii shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay baraarugaan, markii aynu si niyad sami ah uga wada shaqayno dib-u-heshiisiin dhab ah, markii aan isu taagno gobannimadeenna oo aan ka codsanno saaxiibbadeen in ay gees u yara joogsadaan, oo aan iska riixno colkeenna iyo kuwa xumaha nala jecel, oo aan ka hor nimaadno kuwa taariikhda madow leh ee u iib geynaya dalkeenna iyo mustaqbalkiisa si ay u gaaraan dano iyaga gaar u ah. 


Wixii faahfaahin ah, nagala soo xiriir [email protected].


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