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Somaliland: Colours of uncertainty

Celebrating the 22nd anniversary of Somaliland independence, Hargeisa - Photo HOL

Liban Obsiye
Sunday, May 19, 2013

The self declared independent state of Somaliland on May 18th 2013 celebrated 22 years of self government and peace. This is an enormous achievement for a small region in a war torn, volatile part of the world. The celebration is well deserved but Somaliland as a whole needs to pause for breathe and think of what future it wants and how to achieve this. While the peace in Somaliland has strengthened, poverty and division have increased as is obvious in society today. The rich are richer and the poor are poorer and continue to be trampled on. On the back of the recent international support for Somalia's peace and security, many regions want to break away from Somaliland. This blatant division within this region is something that needs to be taken seriously otherwise Somaliland can easily become a one tribe nation. The poem also highlights how the pain of underdevelopment is felt by those who live the reality while those in the Diaspora still romanticise a place and a process that no longer affects them directly.

The poem warns that, if nothing is done about the above mentioned problems, there may no longer be another May 18 Party after this.

Colours of uncertainty

The sun smiles on the people from afar
It's sincerest greeting dances on the soil of the nation
The moody rain and clouds are dismissed today
Banished by the happiness of the souls of the region.

The flags wave proudly across the world
But at home they dance all day to the tune of the excited winds
The streets are full of love and good will
Smiling boys and girls mix and wonder
The service men stand dutifully for orders
The moaning of the old men drowned out by laughter.

The flying flags colour the air
But much hunger hides underneath them
The colours of the day twist and blend easily
But the people are as fractured  as their dry skin
The flag bearers smile from the rooftops
The politician's sea of spit clogs up the microphone
"Somaliland haa nolaato" they scream
But for whom I wonder.

Schools are full
With those that can pay
Hospitals are open
Only for those who can afford to live
Roads are extended
But blocked  by children working to survive
Somaliland haa nolaato
But its poorest can die.

London, Cardiff, Bristol and Sheffield dance together
A joint movement for recognition encouraged by full bellies
Sweden sings from the top of her voice
Her warm bed only a few miles away
Burao, Berbera and Borama rock slowly with hunger
Their dance unified only in hope for better.

The image of unity plastered on TV
The joy of the nation expressed by a few
Disagreement with nationhood censored
Somaliland at any cost
Whatever the price.

A government of vultures is better than a jungle with hyenas
The mirage of unity a free drug for all
The unity and beauty of  today is but a dream
 The old demons lying dead today will surface tomorrow
Greed, qabil and divsion are only but a night away
For tomorrow the clouds return
 With vengenace
And the sun may set forever on May 18.

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@LibanObsiye (Twitter)


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