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Al-Shabab: This Emerging Terror Group is Impediment to Peace and Stability

by Adam H. Mahammed
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In his latest appearance, Aways accused the Somali government as traitors of Ethiopian and U.S. government. In a public speech, he said that the Somali government distorts the Sharia Law by ignoring and rejecting the stoning and cutting hands/legs of its citizens. By this accusation, Aways justified indirectly Al-Shabab’s barbarous and terror attacks as protecting our religion, but the question is from whom?  His horrendous and warmongering speech shocks the community. Is his new technique of accusation plausible?
The majority of Somalis supported Al-Shabab and other groups when they were fighting against the Ethiopian invaders and their cause was respected. Through courageous struggle, they succeeded to oust the Ethiopians from the Somali soil, congrats. Now there are no Ethiopian soldiers in our land or warlords. The majority of Somali people are trying to rest and rebuild their lives. There is newly elected government, which tries to do its best to restore peace and stability in the country, especially South Somalia. It is acceptable to disagree peacefully with the government’s procedures. However, it is unacceptable to attack the government places, public officials and, worst of all, civilians. This is what Al-Shabab is doing lately.   
Instead of assisting and improving the lives of our suffering people, Aways and Al-Shabab concern only whether the government is going to stone and cut hands/legs of its poor and deprived citizens. What kind of thinking is this? It is the most irrational and ridiculous assertion that any caring and humane person would utter. People do not have access to the most basic needs: to food, clean water, education, health…etc. But Aways is not concerning about people’s lives. Rather, he and Al-Shabab are concerned whether the stoning, cutting and hands/legs is implemented. Do our people need such a person? I doubt.  
The so-called “Sheikh” Aways and the emerging terrorist organization Al-Shabab should be stopped before it is too late. The only language they understand is force since they are not capable of having a civic dialogue. They should be crushed hard if our newly elected government needs to survive. The government should ally itself with other nations, especially the mighty U.S. military, to put Al-Shabab its place. The elected government should not meet the irresponsible and foolish demands of Al-Shabab. They should reject them and banish them. The government does not have any other option.

The only two options that are available for the government are: either crush Al-Shabab hardy and brutally or Al-Shabab should give in. there should not be any other option that the government should accept. If the government meets the demands of Al-Shabab, it will have a negative consequence. It will encourage other groups to follow suit. That is, it gives a green light for other groups to advance their causes through attacks and bombings since they witnessed how Al-Shabab asserts its recognition: by force and brutal attacks. It is a kiss of death. 

Adam H Mahammed
 [email protected]


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