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Ma'awisley forces launch offensive against al-Shabaab in Hiiraan

Sunday September 15, 2024

Ma'awisley militia members patrol a rural area in Hiiraan region, Somalia, following a targeted offensive against Al-Shabaab militants. The grassroots militia has been instrumental in counterinsurgency efforts, often working alongside Somali National Army forces to safeguard local communities. 

Beledweyne (HOL) — Ma'awisley forces conducted a targeted operation against Al-Shabaab militants in the Hiiraan region on Sunday, focusing on areas near the Halgan district. The offensive is aimed at locations along the Shabelle River, where Al-Shabaab fighters had reportedly gathered after crossing from the western side.

According to a Ma'awisley official, the offensive successfully dismantled Al-Shabaab's gathering points, inflicting significant losses. "We have destroyed the hideouts of the Khawarij," the official said, using a disparaging term often used to refer to Al-Shabaab. "We will pursue them wherever they go—along the riverbanks and into the rocky terrains. I urge those in hiding to evacuate immediately."

While the official did not disclose specific casualty figures, he confirmed the destruction of Al-Shabaab's bases in the area.

The Ma'awisley is a grassroots militia formed by local communities in central and southern Somalia as a self-defence force against Al-Shabaab's oppression, including forced taxation and conscription. Originating in regions like Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle, they operate as a decentralized, clan-based militia with deep knowledge of the terrain. Their decentralized structure allows them to quickly respond to threats, though it also brings challenges, such as inconsistent operations and potential conflicts with other armed groups.

Ma'awisley has become a significant player in the ongoing conflict against Al-Shabaab by contributing to counterinsurgency efforts alongside the Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM. They often act as local police in areas lacking formal security forces. However, their activities have sparked a national debate over how to integrate these militias into national security frameworks while managing clan dynamics.


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