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Mogadishu University wins Somali IHL competition, advances to All Africa finals

Thursday September 12, 2024

The victorious Mogadishu University team holds their trophy aloft, joined by ICRC representatives and legal mentors, following their win at the Somali IHL Competition. The competition marks a milestone for Somali legal education. CREDIT/ ICRC

Mogadishu (HOL) — Mogadishu University has emerged as the winner of the Somali International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Competition, securing its place to represent Somalia at the All Africa IHL Competition in Nairobi this November. The event was held in Mogadishu on Wednesday and was the first in-person edition after two years of virtual competitions. The mock trial saw Mogadishu University outshine Somali National University in a heated final round.

The competition, organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), featured six universities across Somalia. Both finalist teams presented oral arguments in a fictional legal case that tested their knowledge of international humanitarian law. Mogadishu University argued for the prosecution, while Somali National University mounted the defence.

“We worked tirelessly for two months preparing for this competition. It was definitely challenging at times, but in the end, we won, and I couldn’t be happier,” said Samira Yusuf Adam, a standout student from Mogadishu University.

This year’s competition coincided with the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, making the event particularly meaningful. Somalia, which became a signatory to the conventions in 1962, is working to develop a new generation of legal professionals who can navigate the complexities of humanitarian law—critical in a country still grappling with conflict.

The IHL Competition is a platform for young Somali lawyers to gain practical experience and showcase their skills in advocating for the protection of civilians and adherence to the laws of armed conflict.
 It provides them with hands-on experience in legal argumentation and advocacy, which is important for a country where issues of war and peace remain central to its legal landscape.

“This competition is about more than just winning,” said Katherine Weir, ICRC Legal Advisor and one of the event’s judges. “It’s about fostering an interest in IHL and building a new generation of lawyers who are dedicated to protecting civilians and upholding the rules of armed conflict.”

With this victory, Mogadishu University will travel to Nairobi in November to compete against top African law students in the All Africa IHL Competition. The ICRC will fully cover the team’s travel and accommodations. Mogadishu University will be aiming to build on its success, having already competed in the 2023 edition, where one of its members was recognized as the best speaker in the preliminary rounds.

“We’re excited to represent Somalia in the All Africa Competition, and we hope to make our country proud,” Adam added.

The Somali IHL Competition is now in its third year, but this was the first time it was held in person due to prior logistical and security constraints. 

Mogadishu University also competed in last year’s virtual edition, with one of their team members being recognized as the best speaker in the preliminary rounds. The university’s consecutive wins underscore the growing importance of the IHL Competition within Somalia’s legal education landscape.

The Mogadishu University team celebrates their victory at the Somali International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Competition, receiving their award after a heated final against Somali National University. The team is now set to represent Somalia at the All Africa IHL Competition in Nairobi this November. CREDIT/ ICRC


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