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EU/Kenya hold joint maritime exercise

Saturday November 2, 2024

Working at making the western Indian Ocean safer, EU and Kenya joint maritime exercise. Picture: Operation Atalanta.

Exposure to the European Union (EU) naval task force in the western Indian Ocean by way of joint exercises saw the Kenya Navy and Coast Guard further improve maritime security.

The latest joint exercise, in the last week of October, saw a mock search and rescue (SAR) operation involving the current Operation Atalanta flagship ESPS Santa Maria (F81) alongside Kenyan coast guard and naval assets. This serial demonstrated joint procedures to handle the SAR. Kenya Coast Guard personnel in action benefitted from training by Go Blue, a joint blue economy initiative across Kenya’s six coastal region counties, covering a 600 km coastline.

The SAR serial was followed by maritime interdiction with boarding parties and at sea manoeuvring with the Kenyan research/survey vessel KHS Shujaa.

The Atalanta/Kenya relationship is, according to the EU naval force, an established one that has grown and strengthened through “activities” such as Exercise Usalama Baharini. The first of kind six months ago demonstrated the value of effective interaction and mutual understanding of capabilities and procedure.

“Atalanta is embedded in the maritime architecture of the region and, as part of EU defence policy and naval diplomacy, plays a vital role in supporting EU entities in the area, such as the EU Delegation to Kenya. Mutual support ensures efforts are developed in the most effective way to enhance the integrated approach to the area,” according to the EU naval tasking.


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