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Beledweyne residents return home after devastating Shabelle River floods

Sunday May 26, 2024

Beledweyne (HOL) — People displaced by recent floods in Beledweyne have begun returning to their homes on Sunday, despite the challenges posed by lingering floodwaters and debris.

The Shabelle River, which flows through Beledweyne, the capital of the Hiran region, has caused significant flooding in several neighbourhoods. 
The most affected areas were Kooshin and Hawa Taako, where many families were displaced. Bundaweyn and Wohlwadaag also experienced some flooding.

Some displaced families have started to return, though the roads leading to these areas remain muddy and covered with debris. "It is in our interest to return despite the dirt because the places we fled to are barren lands where we endure the scorching sun during the day and the cold at night. Once we are back in our houses, the dirt will soon be cleared," said a resident who returned to the Radar branch of the Kooshin neighbourhood.

Flooding that struck Beledweyne last week caused widespread displacement and destroyed many houses and roads. This is the second flood to hit Beledweyne in six months, leaving significant damage in its wake.

As residents begin the arduous process of returning and rebuilding, the community faces the dual challenges of recovery and preparing for potential future floods.


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