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ONLF alleges election fraud in Jigjiga, predicts Prosperity Party victory

Tuesday June 25, 2024

JIGJIGA, Ethiopia (HOL) — ONLF spokesman Adani Hirmooge has raised concerns about irregularities in the recent repeat election for the Jigjiga city administration, predicting that the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) will secure more votes despite ONLF's widespread support.

Speaking to the media, Hirmooge emphasized that while the election process was largely fair, there were notable issues. He accused the government of using its vehicles to transport voters from the outskirts of Jigjiga to support the Barwaaqo Party, which leads the Somali regional government. Additionally, he alleged that government employees were threatened with job loss if they did not vote for the Barwaaqo Party.

"The discrepancy is striking. We were confident in our numbers, but when the final count was announced, the PP had more votes than the ONLF. It's akin to being in a bustling market where you feel there are more of you, but in the districts, when it comes to voting and counting, the numbers favour the PP," Hirmooge stated, highlighting the unexpected turn of events.

Hirmooge's statements come in the context of a repeat election held in Jigjiga, which was initially postponed from the previous general election across Ethiopia due to accusations from opposition parties in the Somali region about vote manipulation.

Last Sunday's election in Jigjiga featured three parties and several independent candidates, with seven candidates expected to represent the Somali regional parliament. While official results are yet to be announced, significant speculation surrounds the performance of opposition parties, particularly the ONLF. Independent media sources are closely monitoring the developments.

Hirmooge's statements spotlight the ongoing tensions and challenges in the region's electoral process as parties contest the fairness and transparency of the elections. Despite the controversy, the ruling party claims preliminary results indicate their victory in Jigjiga, although independent verification is still pending.


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