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Ethiopian human rights commission urges ceasefire as renewed clashes erupt in Afar and Somali regions

Saturday June 15, 2024


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (HOL) — The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has called for an immediate ceasefire in response to renewed armed clashes, civilian casualties, and displacement in the Afar and Somali regions. Despite a ceasefire agreement reached in April, tensions have escalated since early June leading to sporadic clashes confirmed by regional authorities.

"The hostilities should cease, and efforts towards sustainable and peaceful solutions should be strengthened," the EHRC stated in a press release on Friday. The Commission emphasized the urgent need to protect civilians and prevent further escalation, highlighting the recent clashes' impact on lives and property.

Deputy Chief Commissioner Rakeb Messele urged federal authorities to intensify their support to halt the violence. "EHRC calls upon all stakeholders to be inspired by the spirit of Eid al-Adha festivities to prevent further escalation and harm to civilians in the areas," Messele said, calling for unity and compassion during this critical period.

The conflict between the Afar and Somali regions has deep historical roots, driven by competition over resources and territorial disputes. To address these longstanding issues, the Federal Islamic Affairs Supreme Council launched a new reconciliation initiative in March 2024. The initiative aims to foster dialogue and peaceful resolution, with a reconciliation committee composed of representatives from both regions and federal authorities established to facilitate ongoing discussions and prevent future conflicts.

Despite these efforts, clashes erupted on June 6, 2024, in the Sitti region, leading to significant casualties and property damage. Both regional security forces were involved in the confrontations, which resulted in injuries, fatalities, and the displacement of residents. The resurgence of violence highlights the fragility of the peace process and the necessity for reinforced efforts.

The Ethiopia Conflict Trends Report on the Afar region emphasizes that sustainable peace requires addressing the root causes of the conflict, including resource competition and territorial disputes. Recommendations for achieving lasting peace include economic development, improved governance, and continued dialogue facilitated by both regional and federal authorities.


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