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Somalia's defense minister claims Farmajo government planned to construct hotel on disputed cemetery land

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Somalia's Defense Minister Abdiqadir Mohamed Nur during an interview with Universal TV, where he discussed the previous administration's controversial plan to build a hotel on cemetery land at Blue School in Mogadishu. CREDIT: Universal TV

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's Defense Minister, Abdiqadir Mohamed Nur, claimed that the previous administration under President Farmajo had plans to construct a commercial hotel on cemetery land at Blue School in Mogadishu, sparking significant controversy.

In an interview with Universal TV, Nur stated that Somali scholars opposed the plan, arguing that it is forbidden to use cemetery land for private commercial purposes. "President Farmajo's government submitted a request to scholars to build hotels on the cemetery land of Blue School. The scholars issued a fatwa rejecting this plan," said Nur.

The issue became more complicated when former government officials were accused of obstructing the current administration's intended use of the cemetery land. According to Nur, the land will now be prepared for use by the Somali Navy.

"The first visible step will be taken when the cemetery is cleared," he said.

The disclosure follows a series of events related to the cemetery. Earlier this month, the Somali government issued a directive calling for the immediate removal of burials at the Policia Cemetery, which encompasses Blue School's cemetery land. The decision was met with protests from Mogadishu residents who opposed the relocation of the cemetery to make way for a proposed Somali Navy base.

In May, bodies were exhumed from the Bulusia School Cemetery in compliance with the government's directive. The exhumations have been a point of contention, with many residents expressing their dissatisfaction through protests and public outcry.

Minister Nur emphasized that the government did not pressure scholars to issue a fatwa to vacate the cemetery land, aiming to clarify the administration's stance. 


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