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Forced to flee: Former Somali minister's transition to U.S. security guard

Thursday July 25, 2024


A juxtaposition of Mohamed Farah Ise Gaashaan, a former Somali minister (right), and a poster of the former Somali dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre (left)

Mogadishu (HOL) — Forced to flee civil war, former Somali minister Mohamed Farah Ise Gaashaan transitioned from a high-ranking government role to working as a security guard in the United States, exemplifying resilience and adaptability.

The fall of Somalia's central government in the early 1990s plunged the nation into chaos, erasing the status and rank of officials. Civil war forced leaders and civilians alike to flee, seeking refuge in neighbouring countries and around the world.

Gaashaan, the former chairman of the Somali Workers' Union, was among those who sought refuge in the United States. While pursuing further education in the U.S., Gaashaan faced the reality that the civil wars made it impossible to return home.

"I started looking for a job, sending my application to dozens of places, listing all my previous positions, education, and experience. I sent applications for a year, but no one responded," Gaashaan said.

After a year of no responses, a foreign manager reviewed Gaashaan's resume and remarked, "Anyone with this kind of education and experience should earn $80,000, which we don't even pay here. You are 'overqualified.'"

Following this interaction, Gaashaan changed his job application strategy. He highlighted only his English proficiency, removing previous positions and experience. This new approach led to responses from two companies, including a shopping center seeking security staff.

"They told me they needed a security guard, and I accepted. After a small test, they hired me and gave me a white shirt, black trousers, and a radio for communication," Gaashaan recalled.

One day, while on duty, a woman who recognized him from his days as a minister spotted him. "Oh my God, is this really our former minister?" she exclaimed. Gaashaan reassured her that he was content with his job and had chosen it, asking her to continue with her shopping.

Gaashaan worked as a security guard for a year and still keeps the trousers he wore when he started the job, a symbol of his journey and adaptability.

Mohamed Farah Ise Gaashaan, also served as a minister of state in Puntland. Credit: Social Media

  • With files from the BBC


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