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President Mohamud hails Somali forces' victory over Al-Shabaab, 80 militants killed in Lower Juba

Tuesday July 23, 2024

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, dressed in full military fatigues, waves to Somali National Army troops during his visit to the frontlines in September 2023. His visit comes amidst recent victories against Al-Shabaab militants in Lower Juba. CREDIT: SONNA

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud announced a significant victory by Somali government forces and Jubaland State Darawish troops in battles against Al-Shabaab in Lower Juba on Monday, resulting in the deaths of over 80 militants, including several leaders.

The offensive targeted Bulo Haji, Baar Sanguuni, and Harboole, where government forces repelled a militant assault and seized a large cache of weapons, including RPGs, BKM machine guns, and AK-47 rifles. The operation is part of a broader effort to eradicate Al-Shabaab and restore 
government control in the region.

"Today's significant defeat inflicted on the Khawarij in Bulo Haji and Harboole in Jubaland signals their downfall," President Mohamud said. "The heroes of the Somali Armed Forces have the capability to liberate every area where they are hiding."

Colonel Ahmed Ali of the Somali National Army added, "Our forces, in collaboration with Jubaland's Darawish, successfully neutralized over 80 militants who posed a threat to our country's security. This operation demonstrates our commitment to eradicating Al-Shabaab and ensuring peace in the region."

Jubaland President Ahmed Mohamed Islam also congratulated the forces, emphasizing the reopening of the road between Kismayo and Afmadow, which militants had previously disrupted.

The government forces safely detonated four car bombs around 80 km southwest of Kismayo and repelled attacks on three army bases. Videos posted by Jubaland officials showed at least 35 bodies in military fatigues near Bulo Haji. Five soldiers were reported killed, and at least six militants were captured alive.

Despite Al-Shabaab's claims of killing 71 soldiers and capturing weapons and vehicles, Somali officials did not confirm SNA casualties but emphasized the successful repulsion of the attacks.

The Somali military says it has regained control of these areas from Al-Shabaab and is continuing efforts to gather the bodies of militants and pursue those who fled. The conflict in Lower Juba, near the Kenyan border, is part of Al-Shabaab's traditional stronghold and strategic operations.


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