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Somalia returns expired flour to Turkey, demands compensation

Sunday July 21, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) — The Office of the Attorney General has taken firm action against expired food products seized at the port of Mogadishu on March 7. The expired goods, primarily flour, were intended for local markets, potentially putting the health of citizens at risk.

The Somali Quality Control Agency, responsible for investigating the matter, discovered that the expired flour amounted to seven containers. The information was then shared with the national investigative authorities.

After taking over the case from the Quality Control Agency in March, the Office of the Attorney General confirmed that the flour had expired. As a result, a decision was made on Sunday to return the flour to Turkey, the country of origin, and seek compensation from the company responsible.

Prosecutor Mustafa Moalim Ali Salad, speaking to the media at the port, explained the decision: "Following a thorough investigation and presentation of evidence to the court and the Attorney General's office, it was decided to return the flour to its origin. The seven containers have been reloaded and verified as unchanged since their seizure. The containers have been under the guard of the Somali Police Force at the port."

The prosecutor also noted that the investigative report would be shared with the Turkish government to hold the exporting company accountable. "The documents, evidence, and investigative report will be diplomatically conveyed to the Turkish government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and shared with the Turkish embassy," he said.

In addition, the Quality Control Agency issued a strong warning to Somali companies and traders, stating that severe actions would be taken against anyone who imports expired food into the country.


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