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Somali forces recapture 20 vehicles held for ransom by Al-Shabaab

Wednesday July 3, 2024

Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali government forces have recaptured 20 vehicles held for ransom by Al-Shabaab in a series of military operations in the Lower Shabelle region, a defence ministry spokesman announced on Wednesday.

The operations, conducted between the towns of Afgooye and Wanlaweyn, also resulted in significant territory being liberated from the militant group and the capture of several Al-Shabaab members, said spokesman Abukar Mohamed Hassan during a press conference in the Doonka area.

“We advanced from Afgooye while another unit moved from Wanlaweyn. The most intense operation took place in Waraaboole, where we freed 20 vehicles from the Khawaarij (a term for Al-Shabaab). Suspected insurgents captured during these operations will be brought to justice. Tonight, we are in the Doonka area, where the Khawaarij used to extort money from civilians,” Hassan said.

Al-Shabaab had demanded a ransom of $300 per vehicle, an amount the vehicle owners could not afford, resulting in the cars being held for several days, Hassan explained.

The operation covered an area of 70 kilometres, and the spokesman called on Somali citizens to support the national forces working to ensure their security.


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