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Life sentence for 19-year-old in Sweden's mistaken identity shooting

Thursday January 4, 2024


Stockholm (HOL) - The Lund District Court in Sweden has handed down a life sentence to 19-year-old Ali Said for the fatal mistaken identity shooting of a young man in Landskrona on Sweden's southwest coast. The incident, which occurred on May 14, 2024, has been labelled a tragic case of mistaken identity.

Ali Said, a Somali-born Swedish citizen, mistakenly targeted and killed a 19-year-old outside a grocery store. The victim, who was with friends, tragically succumbed to his injuries at the scene. The court acknowledged that the unnamed victim was not the intended target, underlining the randomness and severity of the crime.

After the murder, Ali Said received assistance from an accomplice, 21-year-old Hugo Persson, who aided him in evading the police. Persson facilitated a place for Ali Said to hide. Persson was sentenced to a seven-year sentence by the Lund district court for aiding in the crime. 

The case brings to light the intricate legal and social dynamics in Sweden. Said's journey to Sweden began as a child through a family reunification program in 2012, leading to permanent residency in 2013 and eventual citizenship in July 2016.

The court ruled that despite his origins, Said's status as a Swedish citizen meant he could not be deported back to Somalia. 


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