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Puntland withdraws support from its federal lawmakers amid dispute with Mogadishu

Wednesday April 17, 2024

FILE - Somali lawmakers giving the vote of confidence to the Prime Minister on June 25, 2022. CREDIT SONNA

Garowe (HOL) - Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland announced that it has withdrawn its confidence and support from lawmakers representing it in the federal bicameral parliament who opposed Puntland's decisions regarding its relationship with the federal government.

Puntland's Minister of Information, Mohamud Aydid Dirir, stated on Wednesday that the lawmakers have become opposition figures in their constituencies. Therefore, they cannot effectively represent Puntland in the federal parliament.

"They must understand that they are not immune if they turn against the constituencies that elected them. They are no different from ordinary citizens," Minister Aydid Diri emphasized.

The Minister of Information's statement comes amidst reports that some parliamentarians elected from Puntland are engaging in negotiations with the federal government of Somalia, as President Deni has severed ties with the federal government.

These lawmakers have accused President Deni of engaging in political battles with the federal government, which have resulted in the loss of development projects for the people of Puntland.

Recently, Deputy Minister of Finance Abdiqafar Hassan Hange accused Puntland's leader, Said Deni, of obstructing numerous projects that would have generated jobs and other opportunities for the people of Puntland. These projects include the national teachers' salary project, the Damal Health project, the Barwaaqo project (formerly Biyole), the budget subsidy project, and the Energy and Electricity project. According to the minister, these projects, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, await Puntland's approval.

Weeks ago, Puntland said it had withdrawn from the country's federal system and would govern itself independently until constitutional amendments passed by the central government in Somalia were approved in a nationwide referendum.


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