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Somaliland police arrest singer Ugbaad Aragsan for spreading "indecent videos"

Wednesday April 17, 2024

Somali singer Ugbaad Aragsan in a still from her video 'UGBAAD ARAGSAN DOODAADA MEELEY,' released on January 24, 2021. The artist, known for her vibrant performances, recently faced arrest over charges related to spreading content deemed against cultural and religious norms in Somaliland. CREDIT/ Youtube

HARGEISA (HOL) — Authorities in Somaliland have detained Ugbaad Mohamud Abdi, popularly known as Ugbaad Aragsan, on allegations of circulating indecent videos.

A police statement released on the Somaliland Police Force's Facebook page accused the singer of distributing content on social media that violates specific cultural and religious norms, such as modesty and respect for traditional values.

"The Somaliland Police Force has arrested Ugbaad Mohamud Abdi for spreading practices on social media that are contrary to our respected religion and cultural values," the statement said.

The police also highlighted their commitment to protecting religion, culture, and public safety. "We have detained the accused and are conducting a thorough investigation. Upon completion, she will be promptly brought to justice," they stated.

Additionally, Aragsan recently showed her support for the opposition Waddani party during a concert at a festival in Hargeisa.

Some speculate that her arrest may be linked to her recent attendance at the inauguration of Puntland President Syed Abdillahi Dani, who was re-elected, as her public support for the opposition party could have been seen as a political statement that goes against the breakaway government's interests.


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