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Somalia's agriculture minister responds to farmers' complaints about checkpoint delays and spoiled produce in Mogadishu

Monday April 15, 2024

MOGADISHU, (HOL) — Mohamed Abdi Khair Maareye, the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, addressed grievances from farmers transporting vegetables to Mogadishu.

Farmers have reported significant issues with government forces at checkpoints, who inspect vehicles, including those carrying vegetables, upon entry into Mogadishu. These issues include extensive inspections, which often result in long delays, during which the produce may spoil, particularly those items that cannot withstand extended periods without proper storage.

The government's perspective is that that the military's checkpoint operations are vital for ensuring security and preventing Al-Shabaab militants from smuggling operatives or weapons in vegetable shipments. .

"The Ministry of Agriculture is dedicated to supporting our farmers and boosting production," Maareye said. "We recognize our responsibility to them, as they play a crucial role in our country's welfare by producing essential goods."

The statement comes after several farmers described their struggles with security forces at Mogadishu's checkpoints to the media last Friday.


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