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Somaliland President reshuffles cabinet

Wednesday November 15, 2023

Hargeisa (HOL) – The President of the self-proclaimed Republic of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, dismissed four members of his cabinet, appointed replacements, and filled vacant Ministries on Tuesday night.

President Bihi dismissed the Minister of Agriculture, Abdikhadir Iman Warsame; the Minister of Communication, Dr. Abdiweli Sheikh Abdillahi Sufi Jibril; the Minister of Religion and Endowment, Abdirisakh Hussein Ali Albani; and the Minister of Investment, Abdi Osman Abdulle Dhaga-Weyne.

He appointed Ahmed Yusuf Idris Awale as the Minister of Communications, Ahmed Adan Ahmed Buhane as the Minister of Education, Ahmed Mohamed Diriye as the Minister of Planning, Abdirisakh Ibrahim Mohamed as the Minister of Investment, Ali Hassan Mohamed as the Minister of Information, Saleban Yusuf Ali Koore as the Minister of Water, and Mohamed Haji Adan Elmi as the Minister of Religion and Endowments.

The spokesman of the ruling Kulmiye Party, Abdinasir Muhammed Hassan Buuni, was appointed Minister of Parliamentary Relations and Constitutional Affairs. The President appointed Rabbi Abdi Mohamed as the Minister of Fisheries, while Saleban Awad Ali Bukhari and Ahmed Mohamed Habbane were appointed Ministers of Roads and Agriculture.

The reshuffle made by the President was the most significant since he took office six years ago.


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