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Hirshabelle's deputy president meets Hiiraan clan leaders in Beledweyne after governor's dismissal

Monday June 19, 2023



Beledweyne (HOL) - Yusuf Ahmed Hagar Dabaged, Hirshabelle's deputy president, and the recently appointed Hiiraan region's governor, Abdullahi Ahmed Maalin Sufurow, met with traditional elders from the Hiiraan region on Monday.

This meeting, open to media coverage, seeks to navigate the turbulent political waters in Beledweyne. The ripples were caused by the unexpected dismissal of the former Hiran governor, Ali Jeyte Osman, and his defiant response.

Osman, having been dismissed by Hirshabelle's President, Ali Gudlawe Hussein, staged a firm retort by declaring Hiiraan a Federal Member State (FMS) and prohibiting the entry of Hirshabelle officials into Hiiraan. Osman has enjoyed broad support for his leadership in the fight against al-Shabab in Somalia, which underlines the seriousness of his opposition to the dismissal.

In a Sunday press conference in Beledweyne, Osman publicly disavowed his sacking and declared the establishment of an independent Hiiraan state administration, barring Hirshabelle-associated individuals from entering Hiiraan.

These discussions come in the wake of public opposition to Osman's dismissal by Hirshabelle's President, Ali Gudlawe Hussein, on Saturday. The protest has garnered support from the majority of representatives from the Hawadale clan within the Federal Parliament of Somalia.

Ali Jeyte's ousting has further led to the 'Ma'awisley' militia, renowned for its significant role in recent anti-al-Shabab operations, blocking main roads in Beledweyne in protest, voicing concerns about the future of the campaign against the Islamist group.

Meanwhile, Dabaged, who has yet to express his position on Osman's dismissal, plans to conduct a press briefing upon the meeting's conclusion. As of now, Hirshabelle's President, Ali Guudlawe, has not commented on the ongoing opposition from the dismissed governor and the local militia forces.


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