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Power struggle in Puntland intensifies as Garowe grapples with militia presence

Monday June 19, 2023

Garowe (HOL) - Garowe has been gripped by a heavy presence of rival militia forces since Sunday night. Residents report that these militias, previously stationed on the town's outskirts, entered the town on Monday morning, promptly blocking main roads and disrupting daily life.

The escalating situation stems from recent developments in the Puntland parliament, where discussions of an extraordinary meeting to amend the constitution's provisions on political parties have raised tensions. President Deni, advocating for an expedited constitutional review, deploys several troops to government centers and strategic roadways to thwart potential militia attacks.

These military activities have severely impacted traffic flow, causing disruptions and inconvenience for residents. Furthermore, the situation has prompted people residing near the parliament building to flee their homes, seeking safety elsewhere.

In the early morning, machine gun fire echoed through the town, attributed to opposition forces self-identifying as the Danab commandos.
Days prior, the army had sternly warned the parliament against taking any action on constitutional matters, emphasizing that those responsible would be held accountable for their actions.

The current state of Garowe reflects a precarious power struggle fueled by political disagreements, underscoring the need for dialogue and a peaceful resolution to prevent further unrest.

On Saturday, President, Said Abdullahi Deni, fired Security Minister Abdisamad Mohamed Gallan and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Abdiweli Hirsi Mire, citing underperformance.

The removal of influential Security Minister Abdisamad Gallan comes when President Deni faces increasing political challenges from former allies.

Last Month, Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland held the first one-person, one-vote elections in more than half a century in the conflict-ridden, fragile Horn of Africa nation, excluding the unrecognized breakaway region of Somaliland, which considers itself an independent republic.

However, the local council elections did not occur in Garowe and two other districts due to political conflict between the government and the opposition.


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