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The UK Hiiraan Community Support for Hiiraan State: A Triumph of Unity and Determination

Saturday July 29, 2023

London, UK - The Hiiraan community in the UK gathered in a momentous conference in London to express their enthusiastic and resolute support for the creation of a new federal member state - Hiiraan State. With dignitaries and community leaders in attendance, the conference celebrated the significant strides made towards establishing this state in Somalia, and the optimism for a brighter future was palpable.

At the forefront of Hiiraan State's emergence stands its interim leader, Ali Jeyti, widely recognized as an unsung hero for his tireless efforts in combating the terrorist group Al-Shabaab in the region. Mr. Jeyti's leadership has been pivotal in liberating Hiiraan and paving the way for its transformation into a stable and sovereign entity.

The bid for statehood holds immense importance as Hiiraan is the last remaining region among the eight in the country. The people's right to self-determine and pursue statehood, enshrined in Somalia's provisional constitution, has been the driving force behind the Hiiraan community's unwavering determination to create their own state.

During the conference, the Hiiraan community in the UK showcased their solidarity and endorsement for Hiiraan State, reflecting a united vision for a more stable future marked by peace, prosperity, and self-governance in the region.

Undoubtedly, the journey towards statehood encountered challenges, but the resilience of the Hiiraan community prevailed. With the international community also expressing support, this crucial step towards regional stability and development has gained momentum.

The creation of Hiiraan State marks a significant milestone in Somalia's pursuit of sustainable governance and progress. With the backing of the community and the leadership of figures like Ali Jeyti, Hiiraan State is poised to positively contribute to the country's socio-economic and political landscape.

The conference highlighted several key points to underscore the importance of Hiiraan State's formation and its impact on the region:

1. Hiiraan State: A State Chosen by its People

The establishment of Hiiraan State is a testament to the collective will and aspirations of the Hiiraan people, who have actively chosen their leaders to champion their cause and uphold their values.

2. Becoming an Independent Regional Government

Hiiraan State seeks to establish an independent regional government, empowering the local population and fostering greater self-governance.

3. Diaspora Support for the New Administration

The Hiiraan State administration receives overwhelming backing from the diaspora community, pledging regular financial support, including subsidizing the army's salaries during the initial six months to strengthen the state's security apparatus.

4. Inclusivity for the Future of Hiiraan State

The conference emphasized the importance of inclusivity, ensuring that no one is left behind in the future growth and development of Hiiraan State. Native citizens are encouraged to actively participate and contribute to its progress.

5. Acknowledging Local Efforts Against Al-Shabaab

Hiiraan State's formation pays tribute to the bravery of local people who fought and defeated the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, laying the foundation for a safer and more prosperous future for the region.

The conference also discussed the strategic transfer of Macawiseley to the army of the Hiiraan State Government, further enhancing the state's military capabilities.

The solidarity conference in the UK not only demonstrated unwavering support for Hiiraan State's formation but also showcased the determination of the Somali people to forge a better future for themselves and their homeland. As the region takes its initial steps towards statehood, the hope for a prosperous and peaceful Hiiraan State lies at the heart of its citizens and supporters worldwide.

Optimism filled the air as the conference concluded, with attendees pledging continued support for Hiiraan State's development and prosperity. The establishment of the new federal member state is a testament to the power of unity, determination, and collective efforts in shaping the destiny of a community and a nation.




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