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Kenya overcomes drought after heavy rainfall season

Friday July 14, 2023

Only one out of the 23 Kenyan regions that were severely hit by drought remain in dire condition following heavy rainfall recorded during the March-May season, the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) said in a report released Thursday.

The authority noted that 22 of the arid and semi-arid areas that were worst affected have since recovered as the East African nation overcomes drought.

"The arid and semi-arid counties are recording positive impacts of the just-ended March to May rainfall season. Three counties are in the drought recovery phase while 19 are in the normal phase," the NDMA said, stressing that the pasture and food situation has improved in the regions.

Only Taita Taveta County in coastal Kenya remains in an alert drought phase, with residents in need of help, said the agency.

Before the onset of the long rainy season in March, only one county was in the normal drought phase with the rest being in alert, alarm, and emergency situations, according to the NDMA.

"The current pasture and browse conditions in arid counties are above normal, which is a great improvement. The regeneration is attributed to the performance of the March to May long rains," the agency said.

The NDMA, however, said there is still a greater risk of malnutrition among children below five years of age and pregnant and lactating women across the arid counties.

"This is due to high commodity prices, low purchasing power as well as inadequate dietary diversity, suboptimal child feeding practices, and decreased overall food intake at household level," the NDMA said.

More than 4.4 million people in Kenya had been affected by the drought that had also hit Ethiopia and Somalia in the Horn of Africa region.

The NDMA added that it is currently carrying out an assessment alongside UN agencies and non-governmental organizations to determine the number of people in Kenya facing hunger after the March to May long rains season.


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