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Jubbaland politicians form Union of Presidential Candidates in Nairobi

Sunday July 9, 2023

Nairobi (HOL) - Politicians from Jubbaland have announced the formation of a Union of Presidential Candidates for the Jubbaland Regional State following a meeting held in Nairobi on Saturday.

The Union of Jubbaland Presidential Candidates elected Abdiqani Qasim Gabow as the union's chairman.

The members issued a statement accusing the federal government of unlawfully supporting President Ahmed Madobe. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail Fartag, a member of the union and the former Vice President of Jubbaland and Senator of the Upper House, stated that the federal government is exerting pressure on the authorities in the Gedo region to collaborate with Ahmed Madobe's administration.

Fartag highlighted that the federal government has threatened to withhold salaries from those who refuse to cooperate with the newly appointed administration in the Gedo region. He emphasized that government officials, including army commanders such as the police chief and military chief, are intimidating the people of Gedo.

The former Minister of Transport and Aviation of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, accused President Ahmed Madobe of failing to liberate any villages from al-Shabaab during his 13-year tenure. He expressed the candidates' desire for a fair and timely election in Jubbaland.

The candidates strongly objected to the recent appointment of a new administration by Jubbaland President Ahmed Madobe in the Gedo region.

Political analysts propose that both the Prime Minister and President Mohamud had prior knowledge of President Ahmed Madobe's plan to establish a new Gedo region administration. Madobe had separate meetings with the President and Prime Minister during his recent visit to Mogadishu for the National Consultative Meeting.


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