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Somali refugees in Yemen struggle in harsh conditions

Ali Ebubekir Tokcan and Emine Merve Kara Ilbay
Monday July 3, 2023

Somalis, fled from the war, live at makeshift tents of Ajlaniye Refugee Camp in Hadramut City, Yemen on July 02, 2023- Credit: Ali Ebubekir Tokcan - Anadolu Agency

Somali refugees, who fled the war at home and sought refuge in Yemen, are struggling to survive under very difficult conditions.

These refugees lack access to clean water, toilets and proper shelter in the Al-Ajlaniya Refugee Camp in Yemen’s Hadhramaut Governorate.

Somalia has been plagued by insecurity for years, with al-Shabaab fighting the government and the African Union mission in the country since 2007.

The al-Shabaab and the Daesh/ISIS terrorist groups continue to threaten the safety of Somalis.


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