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Elders in Las Anod to discuss future of SSC region

Sunday January 29, 2023


Las Anod (HOL) – The traditional leaders from the Sool, Sanaag and Ayn regions gathered in Las Anod to discuss the future of their territories on Saturday. The elders are expected to announce the formation of a new federal member state of Somalia.

The supreme traditional clan chief of the Sool, Sanaag, and Ayn regions, Garad Jama Garad Ali, opened the high-level meeting, which was attended by the majority of the elders from the three areas.

The conference venue features Greater Somalia's flag, representing the meeting's expected decisions against Somaliland.

The Somaliland government has agreed to hold the conference in Las Anod, while the leaders of Somaliland and army officers are in the corner of town. No agreement has been reached in talks between the elders of the regions and Somaliland representatives.

Somaliland troops have already been ordered to withdraw from SSC territory by a committee of 33 members appointed by the traditional leaders to lead the meeting.

Garad Jama Garad Ali, the supreme traditional clan chief of the Sool, Sanaag, and Ayn regions, has urged the governments of Djibouti and Somalia to persuade Somaliland to leave the SSC regions.

Last week, Garad Jama Garad Ali arrived in Las Anod town, marking his first visit since 2007 when the Somaliland administration took over the city.

Garad Jama accused Somaliland of being behind the events in the city where over 20 civilians were killed during anti-Somaliland protests.


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