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Egypt signs ICT MoUs with Somalia and Palestine

Friday January 27, 2023

Amr Talaat, Egyptian Minister of Communication and Information Technology. Photo/ Telecom Review Africa

Amr Talaat, Egyptian Minister of Communication and Information Technology, has signed separate memorandums of understanding with his Palestinian counterpart, Ishaq Sidr, and his Somali counterpart, Jama Hassan Khalif, to promote cooperation between Egypt and each of the two countries in the information and communication technology (ICT) and postal sectors.
The MoU with the Palestinian government covers technical cooperation in policy formulation and implementation in both sectors, while enriching the legal frameworks governing mutual cooperation.

The MoU with Somalia aims to support fruitful and close bilateral cooperation through the exchange of experiences in the field of information and communication technologies based on a common interest. Somalia will benefit from specialized training programs on the latest technologies in the field of communications, such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, information security, fibre optics, integrated systems, and cybersecurity.


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