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UN expert expresses alarm at high number of civilian casualties in Somalia

Friday February 24, 2023



Mogadishu (HOL) - The UN Independent Expert on human rights in Somalia, Isha Dyfan, has expressed alarm at the high number of civilian casualties in Somalia following clashes between Somaliland security forces and clan members in Laas Canood, Sool region since early February.

In a statement released Thursday, Dyfan deplored the killing of at least 63 people and more than 363 injured. Citing reports of indiscriminate or deliberate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, she said these attacks were utterly unacceptable and directly violated international human rights law and humanitarian law.

“Those responsible must be held accountable,” the UN expert said, calling on the authorities to ensure impartial, effective, and independent investigations into the deaths and injuries.

The ongoing clashes in Laas Canood will worsen an already dire humanitarian situation in the wider Sool region and across the country, warned the expert. According to a report by an inter-agency assessment mission conducted by humanitarian partners, the fighting in Laas Canood, which started on February 6, has displaced more than 185,000 people – 89 percent of whom are women and children.

“I call on all parties involved in the clashes to fully respect their obligations under international law, in particular with regard to the protection of civilians,” Dyfan said.

The UN expert urged all parties to agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities and resolve their disputes through dialogue. “Failing to do so would be tantamount to denying access to justice and perpetuating impunity,” she said.

Dyfan also reiterated the call made by international partners for unhindered humanitarian access to urgently address the needs of those displaced and impacted by the violence. The situation in Somalia remains precarious, and civilians are paying the price for the ongoing violence. The international community must act to ensure that the parties involved in the clashes are held accountable and that those affected receive the assistance they urgently need.

Somaliland, a self-declared republic in northwest Somalia, has been experiencing violence and instability over the past few weeks. Clashes between government forces and local militia from the Dhulbahante clan have left dozens dead and tens of thousands of people displaced. 

The current flare-up in Las Anod began on December 26 when a local opposition politician, Abdifatah Abdullahi Abdi, was assassinated by unknown attackers, sparking anti-government protests across the city. The recent fighting has been particularly intense, with heavy artillery and mortar fire reported.

The international community has called for an immediate ceasefire and for both sides to engage in dialogue to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, it remains to be seen whether these calls for peace will be heeded, and the situation in Somaliland remains volatile.


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