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Somalia Flood Disaster: 120 dead in Jubba and Shabelle river floods

Sunday December 10, 2023


Kismayo (HOL) - Mohamud Moalin Abdulle, the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) chairman, announced that floods resulting from heavy rains and the overflowing of the Jubba and Shabelle rivers have led to 120 deaths.

Abdulle noted that the Bay, Gedo, and Lower Jubba regions were the hardest hit.

"In these floods, we've seen 120 lives lost across the nation, mainly in Bay, Gedo, and Jubba regions. This includes several who died in a boat capsized as they attempted to escape the Al-Shabaab group," stated Mohamud Abdul Macalinle, SODMA's chairman.

He also highlighted to the governor the difficulty in reaching some areas with aid, as floods have forced the closure of many airports.

These flood-related challenges persist in numerous cities within the Hiiraan region, especially Beledweyne, Buulaburte, and Jalalaqsi.

On Thursday, the World Food Program (WFP) warned about the exacerbating effect of devastating floods on food insecurity in Eastern Africa. The countries most impacted by this crisis are Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, with Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, and Uganda also facing significant challenges. Despite contributing minimally to global emissions, theregion is disproportionately affected by the worldwide climate crisis. 


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