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Puntland returns to indirect elections, President Deni announces

Thursday December 7, 2023

Garowe (HOL) – Puntland Regional State President Said Abdullahi Deni announced Wednesday night that Puntland will return to the indirect election model, ending the prolonged dispute between regional leaders and the opposition.

Speaking at a press conference held at the regional presidential palace in Garowe, President Deni expressed his difficulty in deciding to halt Puntland's democracy. However, considering the prevailing circumstances, he took the idea of returning to the indirect election process, wherein clan leaders choose regional parliament members.

President Deni underscored concerns about potential violence in Puntland, citing opportunistic elements exploiting election conflicts. He also mentioned his consideration of the SSC-Khatumo stage.

Puntland's Interior Minister, Abdi Farah Said Juha, who led the democratic process, lauded President Deni's decision as a courageous step. While acknowledging opposition obstacles to Puntland's democracy, Juha emphasized the need for a leader capable of navigating the current challenges.

President Deni's decision aligned with the SSC-Khatumo traditional committee's proposal on the same Wednesday to return to parliamentary elections. The committee, dedicated to resolving conflicts, suggested holding the presidential election on January 8, 2024, to avert political conflict and instability. They emphasized that current parliament members would elect the president and vice president. Additionally, the committee outlined plans for a new parliamentary election, using the one-person, one-vote election model, twelve months later.

Last month, the Puntland Electoral Commission unveiled the schedule for a one-person, one-vote election, a plan strongly supported by President Said Deni. However, the opposition rejected it, describing it as a ploy by President Deni to extend his term. They argued that conducting a one-person, one-vote election within a few months is not feasible.

However, President Deni is expected to expeditiously appoint the approval committee for the upcoming 66 Members of Parliament following their selection by clan leaders.


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