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ATMIS to Reduce Forces by 3,000 in September, Following Successful Handover to Somali Government

Tuesday August 29, 2023

MOGADISHU — The African Union, Somalia, and the United Nations representatives are actively discussing the next phase of ATMIS troop withdrawal set for September. The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) plans to reduce its forces by 3,000 in the following month, building on their prior successful reassignment of 2,000 soldiers and the handover of six military bases to the Somali government in June.

Mohammed El-Amine Souef, Special Representative of the African Union Commission in Somalia and ATMIS head, underscored the careful planning underway. "While continuing our combat operations, we're strategically withdrawing in a way that protects our achievements," Souef said in a statement from Mogadishu.

Souef praised the enduring partnership between the United Nations and Somali officials, which was integral to the first phase's success.

Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Head of UNSOS, emphasized the need for thorough assessment of the equipment and logistical support transferred to Somali forces. "The UN's role is to ensure the equipment is in top condition and that Somali forces are equipped for its deployment," Kacyira noted.

As stipulated by UN Security Council Resolution 2687 (2023), a technical review by the African Union and Somalia is slated to conclude by the end of August. It will assess the initial withdrawal's progress, with detailed findings expected by September 15. Following Resolutions 2628 and 2670, ATMIS is set for a phased troop reduction, culminating in a full exit from Somalia by the end of 2024.


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