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Former Somali President Demands Probe into Al-Shabaab's Latest Strike in Awswayn, Galgaduud region

Sunday August 27, 2023

Mogadishu, Somalia — A deadly assault by Al-Shabaab militants in Awswayn, Galgaduud region yesterday has drawn sharp criticism and calls for a comprehensive investigation, led by former Somali President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

Mr. Ahmed took to Facebook, a platform he frequently uses to address public concerns, urging a rigorous examination into the devastating assault that claimed numerous lives. "It's imperative that the BFS defense committee delves deeply into the events leading to the significant loss of our brave troops, and the role of the officers who were in charge of that region," he wrote.

In a landscape frequently marked by conflict, this recent attack stands out due to the intensity of the onslaught and the subsequent loss of life and resources. It was not only a blow to the military strength but also a hit to the morale of the national forces. However, in a silver lining amidst the tumult, national forces were commended for their resilience and success in reclaiming the ancient city of Elbur, as well as other areas in the Galgaduud region.

Eyewitnesses on the ground reported the Al-Shabaab militants showing overwhelming power, causing significant casualties among the national army and seizing substantial military assets. These reports paint a bleak picture, further fanning the flames of criticism towards the government's preparedness and strategy.

Such severe incidents against the government forces have been sporadic in recent times, making this attack an alarming wake-up call for the nation. With mounting criticism from various sectors, many believe that the government's strategy in dealing with Al-Shabaab requires immediate revaluation.

While the aftermath of the assault continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Somali government will respond to these calls for accountability and change.


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