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President Mohamud visits newly trained national army soldiers at Military Camp

Saturday April 8, 2023

Mogadishu (HOL) - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud visited the Hiil-Weyne camp where National Army soldiers recently returned from training in Uganda are stationed.

The soldiers, who have military-police training, are intended to contribute to the security of Mogadishu and stop al-Shabaab activities. The Hiil-Weyne camp is located between Mogadishu and the Balcad districts.

During his visit on Friday afternoon, the President instructed the military to perform their duty with vigilance, control, security, and peace of mind. He also urged the newly trained soldiers to set an example for other forces in maintaining peace in the country.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud emphasized that the army's primary responsibility is to protect the safety, dignity, and lives of Somali citizens. He instructed the military to maintain discipline and follow the rules of the army.

The visit comes hours after President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud announced that his government had banned people from carrying weapons on the streets of Mogadishu, the country's capital. The President announced the ban during a Friday prayers sermon held inside his presidential compound in Mogadishu.

"We impose a strict ban on carrying guns in the streets of Mogadishu. One cannot justify having machine guns mounted on vehicles, and rocket-propelled grenades in the streets, for protection from a hiding al-Shabab militant armed with a pistol," the President said.


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