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Puntland President dissolves local councils, appoints mayors to Galkayo, Garowe and Bosaso

Thursday September 15, 2022

Hassan Mohamed Jama (Left), Abdulqadir Mohamed Mohamud 'Geedi' (Centre) and Hasan Abdallah Hassan (Right) have been appointed as interm mayors of Galkayo, Garowe and Bosaso following a presidential decree by Puntland's Said Abdullahi Deni.

Garowe (HOL) - Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni appointed new interim mayors to the cities of Garowe, Galkayo and Bosaso on Thursday after dissolving the local governments through a presidential decree.

The decision was made after reviewing a report from Puntland's General Audit Office and consulting with the state ministry of interior, according to the president's statement.

Abdulqadir Mohamed Mohamud (Geedi) will succeed Ahmed Said Muse as mayor of Garowe, Puntland's administrative capital. Geedi's deputy mayor will be Mohamed Ali Mohamed (Hamari).

Hassan Mohamed Jama has been appointed Mayor of Galkayo North, succeeding Mohamud Abdinur Adan.

Hasan Abdallah Hassan will now lead Bosaso, succeeding Abdiqani Ahmed Ismail. Said Abdirahman Mohamed was named deputy mayor.

The president's decree said that all the appointments were temporary.

The Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission (TPEC) announced in May that direct elections for city councils would be held between October and November. Despite preparations, the deadline is likely to be missed because voter registration, which TPEC was supposed to complete by late July, has yet to begin.


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