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Somali forces attack Al Shabaab court in Lower Shabelle

Monday September 5, 2022

Mogadishu (HOL) - Heavy fighting was reported on Monday morning between Somali special forces and Al Shabaab fighters near Basra, a village between Afgoye and Bal'ad districts that serves as one of Al Shabaab's shadow courts.

The fighting was sparked by an attack by Somali government soldiers, including Harmacad (Cheetah) and NISA units.

Both sides used heavy artillery during the conflict, and although the death toll was still unknown, casualties were expected.

Several Al Shabaab officials and fighters were apprehended, according to Somali security forces.

There are reports that civilians were at Al Shabaab's Basra court waiting for their cases to be heard when the fighting broke out. It is unknown whether civilians were killed.

Somalia's interior minister announced in mid-August that the government would target shadow courts run by the Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab. Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi acknowledged Somalis turn to militants for justice due to Somalia's weak legal system. 


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