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Police launch hate crime probe after pig's head was left by flat block housing Somali families

Tuesday November 8, 2022

A pig's head was left outside the block in Barton Hill on Sunday morning by culprit/ TWITTER

Detectives are hunting for thug who left a pig's head next to an arson-hit tower block housing Somali families.

The gruesome body part was planted outside the block in the Barton Hill area of Bristol overnight on Sunday morning.

It was discovered yesterday and reported to Avon and Somerset Police who scrambled to the scene.

The force confirmed today it was being treated as a hate crime. 

Somalis are predominantly Muslim and the religion prohibits the eating of pork. 

It was left just two weeks after an arson attack on the block that saw families forced to evacuate. 

A local community member told MailOnline: 'It is absolutely disgusting that something like this has happened.

'The alley where the head was left is next to a big block of flats where a lot of Somali families are living.

'It is being treated as a hate crime towards the Somali community there.'  

Police were called at 11.09am on Sunday and found the head close by to where it had been originally left in the alleyway.

The area is well-covered with CCTV so tape is now being searched to see if the culprit can be seen.

Ch Insp Deepak Kenth said: 'Based on the information we have at this time, this incident is being treated as a hate crime and an investigation has been launched.

'Officers from the neighbourhood policing team are carrying out reassurance in the local community, as well as working closely with our network of partner agencies and organisations.

'We don't yet know the precise time the head was left in the alleyway, but we believe it was sometime on Sunday morning. A thorough review of CCTV footage from around the area is under way, as well as house-to-house and forensic-led enquiries, as part of our ongoing efforts to identify the person, or people, responsible.

'There is absolutely no place for hate, or crude attempts to cause upset or division, in our communities.

'We want to speak to anyone who saw or heard anything suspicious in the Avonvale Road area on Sunday morning, as well as anyone who lives in this area, who may have relevant doorbell footage, or who were driving in this area, who may have relevant dashcam footage.'

The same block was hit by fire on October 21, injuring six people.

Avon Fire and Rescue Service has confirmed the fire was started deliberately.

A man had been arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life.


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