Tuesday November 8, 2022

Defence cabinet secretary Aden duale with with deputy chief of Defence forces Lieutenant General Francis Ogolla when they appeared before parliamentary Defence to seek approval for the military to go for peacekeeping mission to DRC Congo on November.7th.2022/EZEKIEL AMING'A
The government has formally sought Parliament’s nod to deploy 904 Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) soldiers to the troubled DRC Congo.
Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale accompanied by Deputy CDF Francis Ogolla appeared before National Committee on Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Committee to put a case for the six-month deployment that will cost Sh7.2 billion.
Duale told the Committee chaired by Belgut MP Nelson Koech of the need to stabilise DRC Congo citing its strategic importance to the country.“Upon approval, KDF will deploy 904 troops with assorted equipment to Eastern DRC both by air and road movement,” Duale said.
“Kenya remains optimistic that the deployment will be productive in providing a regional solution to regional problems, and meet expectations of locals in Eastern DRC, whose peace and tranquillity remains affected by the violence and gross violations perpetrated by the armed groups.”
The troops, according to Duale, are estimated to take six months in the foreign land.
He said the KDF soldiers will help the local DRC forces in maintaining law and order, clearing the humanitarian corridors and combating the over 100 armed groups concentrated in the Eastern side of the country.
One of the prominent rebel groups is the March 23 Movement (M23), made up primarily of ethnic Tutsi allegedly supported by the Rwandan government.
On July 22, 2022, the EAC heads of state ordinary summit authorized the deployment of a joint EAC regional force in the troubled Eastern DRC Congo.
Duale was accompanied by Vice Chief of Defense Forces Lieutenant General Francis Ogolla and head of legal services Brig. Yvonne Kirui.
DRC has been battling one of the longest-running world conflicts that have resulted in a huge number of spillover refugees.
MPs however questioned the cost of deployment at a time the country is battling the worst drought that is threatening the survival of animals and human lives.
This was after Ogolla told the Committee that the troops may spend between Sh5.5 billion to Sh6 billion each year they spend in DRC after the expiry of the initial six months deadline.
“We are going for six months if the worst case scenario we stay for one year we will be spending Sh5.5 billion to Sh6 Billion every year,” Ogola said.
MPs Abdullah Bashir (Mandera North), Irene Kasalu (Kitui MP), Martha Wangari (Gilgil and Caleb Amisi (Saboti) argued that the DRC Congo peace mission is an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.
Bashir claimed Kenya is risking going the same route it made when it went into Somalia to fight Alshabab.
“Remember when we were going to Somalia we were told that we are going and coming back but we are still stuck in Somalia,” Bashir said.
The committee will be retreating on Tuesday to write a report that will be presented before the House.
“We are retreating tomorrow to write a report and submit it before the House on Wednesday,” Koech said.
"Mr Chair DRC is very important economically to Kenya, in the last few years there have been huge benefits for Kenya through the Port of Mombasa," Duale said.
"It is in the interest of the region, a very unstable region will give us problems in terms of refugees and our regional interests. Kenya further aims at stabilisation of the region and forge the right conditions to spur trade and growth."