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Farmaajo, Roble lead nation in mourning death of renowned cleric Dr. Sheikd Muhyadin Eli

Tuesday March 22, 2022

MOGADISHU (HOL) - President Mohamed Farmaajo and Prime Minister Mohamed Roble have paid tributes to renowned cleric and scholar Dr. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Muhyadin Eli who passed on in Mogadishu Monday night.

The two leaders paid glowing tributes to Dr. Eli for his service to the nation and contribution to the development of Islam in Somalia.

“My condolences to the family, relatives and the Somali people at large on the passing of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Muhyadin Eli. “He was one of the pillars of the Somali Ulema who dedicated their time and lives to spreading the religion, awakening and educating the Somali people,” President Farmaajo said.

On his part, PM Roble also echoed similar sentiments noting the Dr. Eli had contributed immensely into Islamic discourse and development in Somalia.

“I offer my condolences to his family and to the Somali people at large on the death of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Muhyadin Eli in Mogadishu. He was one of the country’s leading clerics and scholars who played a key role in spreading Islam, peace and raising awareness. I pray to God Almighty to grant Paradise to his family, friends and the Somali people and give them patience and faith,” said PM Roble.

Dr. Eli was a prominent Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa cleric and served previously in various peace processes in Somalia.


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