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UN, partners urge completion of elections as Jubaland, HirShabelle face leadership wrangles

Saturday March 19, 2022

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The International Community has called on Somali leaders to ease off obstacles towards the completion of the Lower House elections.

In a joint statement Friday, the partners led by the UN said there was a need to resolve pending issues to enable the completion of the process.

“We strongly urge all Somali stakeholders to resolve any obstacles to completion of the process in the remaining voting sites through dialogue and on a consensus basis, so as to rapidly and credibly conclude the elections,” the statement read in part.

As of Friday, all Federal Member States, Somaliland and Banaadiri community, save for HirShabelle and Jubaland had elected all MPs. The latter two states remain with 13 and 20 seats respectively to fill.

All the 16 seats in Gerbaharey have not been filled thanks to a long-running feud between Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe and President Mohamed Farmaajo who are battling for the control of the elections there.

In HirShabelle, feuds between president Ali Gudlawe and his deputy Yusuf Dabageed have hindered the completion of the elections here. Three seats are yet to be filled in Beletweyne while in Jowhar, the state is yet to elect 10 MPs.

The international community has also urged the Somali leaders to prepare for the remaining phase of the elections which covers the election of a new president.


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